I guess I simply like doing these ^.^
A Letter meme: Comment and I'll give you a letter, then you have to list ten things you love that begin with that letter, afterwards post it on your journal and fill out letters of your own.
Letter M tagged by jenny_kun Miike Takashi - if there is a movie that was directed by this man - I'll say it's a masterpiece even before actually watching it xD seriously, I will. He's a real genious. I was a bit angry when I saw the press conference from American premiere of Yatterman, where everyone ignored him and were only asking questions Sho. I wanna meet him and check his fridge to see what I need to eat to have such brain as he does x]
Music - I don't leave my house without my ipod. I take my music everywhere with me, I can't imagine soending time in silence. If I ever happen to be deaf I'll probably hang myself xP Music is very very very important to me, it helps me when I'm down (like listening to K8 songs, which should be prescripted by doctors to people who have depression ;)), it makes my tension go up, it makes day brighter and any activity more fun.
My pace - I have my own way of doing things and hate it when someone's trying to right me, to change me or tell me what to do. I tend to ignore other people telling me about other ways of doing things. I think I need to be ok with myself to feel good so I just do everything as I believe it is right.
Moonlight - cause I love night. I'm a night creature, I sleep during the day and stay up whole night. actually even if I don't sleep long in the morning I tend to stay up quite long, like till 3 or 4 a.m. also I love gazing at the moon and I love it when moonlight falls into my room.
Mobile phone - I think I'm a bit addicted to it xP I need to have it with me, it's my calendar, clock, alarm clock, reminder, entertainer during boring classes without my laptop, my way of arranging my time and so on. also I talk really much and send thousands of texts.
Movement - I'm totally useless when it comes to things I need to do especially if I have to spend some time in the same place and it's even worse if I have to sit and listen. ugh. I move a lot, I can't sit still for too long and even now, while writing this meme I've already changed my possition countless times.
Manga - oh yes, I do. especialy Mihara Mitsukazu and Kazuya Minekura works - I adore them, I can read them many times to extent of remembering every single word and drawing of the manga and buying original japanese manga if I have a chance.
Member Ai - now You can say that I'm a crazy fangirl and so on, but I really do love watching members hugging, comforting each other and showing each other that they are real friends who care. I love it when they scold one of them or make fun of them with nice smile. ahh, member ai makes my day brither :)
Mysteries - as I'm a big fantasy fan it's logical I love all kind of mysterious stories that make me come up with some crazy ideas of explanation for them. I like reading books and watching programs about some wierd things that tend to happen here and there from time to time. also my great imagination sometimes creates some ideas which are even wierder zdobywanie Japonii z pomocą pigmejów żyjących w Nowej Zelandii na ten przykład...
Masaki - Aiba ofcourse :3 if I were to explain why exactly it would take too much time, I can write a book about that, seriously.
ok, I did it, I found those damn 10 things.