24 days before I have to turn in my phd thesis. That means I have lest than 20 days to finish calculations and find something other than "it does not work, thermodynamic is crap" to say.
Realizing that the deadline was so close made me stress more than I wanted.
So to stop that reaction, I ended up going to my favorite orchid shop. I ended up with 4 new babies. Yes I managed to make some place for them. And yes, my little space is turning into a little jungle
I so fell in love with that little one and I couldn't resist. Though it might be hard to have it bloom again, I bought it. The flowers are so tiny and cute (less than 5mm).
I also mounted my first orchid *grins happily*. It took me longer than I had expected to clean the roots but in the end it's totally worth it. It also allowed me to check that the little one was doing okay (no rotten roots, no pests). I hope it will grow without any problems. But seeing it is growing new roots, I'm fairly sure things will go well.
And now that my brain is not overheating anymore, I can head back to my thermodynamic calculations....