Sep 23, 2008 14:29
Well, he was pissed off I told the boss. I kind of figured I had to, though I may have been better off giving him the chance to himself.
Sent this email to boss last night:
"I don't want to get anyone in trouble, but there was a minor fire in the lab this afternoon that resulted in the loss of a trash can. Evidently a diethyl zinc syringe wasn't fully quenched and it was thrown in there, and later on the trash barrel cought on fire. The girls and I were in the lab and they alerted me to it, at which point tons of sand put it out."
This morning: About 10:30ish, they get out of class (prof and first years) and the big mojito (our nickname for the boss) sees me and asks me who it was. At this point I can't really duck out of saying who, so I told him. Big mojito and us (without HFG) talk it over in the office for a bit - the big mojito was laughing, since it was a pretty minor thing - then he goes into the lab to talk to labmate.
About 5 min later labmate comes in and asks who told the big mojito, I reply I did, better to tell him now than he finds out another way. I could tell he was pissed, but he evidently waited til I left the office to rant away about how I'm an evil person or something like that. For the record, my boss took the news of a lab fire like that better than anyone else I've ever seen.
He's been giving me the cold shoulder and looks that could kill all day now.
Oh well, I guess I've lost my rides to the airport in the future.
Since I like polls:
Poll big mojito