Warded Owl Post to Lake Cottage, visible only to Harry, Snape, and Draco

Sep 08, 2007 11:22

Here are the first of the codes we discussed for establishing contact. One and two are for direct contact in a situation of questionable security with corresponding levels of message priority. Neither should be used from any place inside direct Ministry control. Three and four can be used to temporarily turn any form of mobile communication transport into secure means for person-to-person messaging when both persons have matching codes. Five and six are for use when attempting to contact me while I am at the Ministry. Seven for when attempting to contact me by telephone. Eight is to be used in combination with any of the above when attempting to contact me when I am with more than two other people. Nine is for establishing direct contact with Ivan and Katerina (i.e. whoever is watching them) when I cannot be reached and should only be used in an emergency when all other attempts to establish contact have failed. Ten is for mission compromised, with corresponding levels of security breach.

Codes will change every eight days. None can be used more three times within two hours. Use of an inactive code will trigger immediate alert.

Tell him I don't want to hear from him for the next three weeks until our designated contact date unless it's urgent Order business he can't communicate to anyone else or unless it's about the children. You have to understand, I can't do this any other way. I'm going to make a big show of moving out of the flat this week - maybe move in with Mum and Dad, I'm not sure - and set traps on the place. Vengeful scorned wife and all that, right? Just for show. It's all just for show. I'll come by Lake Cottage on Sunday as we discussed.

Attached is a small piece of parchment on which are visible 27 clear, neat rows of runes, all in Tonks' handwriting.
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