Jan 25, 2004 01:00
I had fun in Mississippi but I just never get to see all the people I want to. I went to the New Orleans Art Musuem to see the Ancient Egypt exhibit thingy with my mum....largest showing issued ever in North America soooo early. Pretty spiffy huh? I did get to hang out w/ Nan a lil but it's never ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to see a MidSummer's Night Dream tonight it was nicely done with this contemporary twist that not many can pull off. But seriously this one play has been going on for 600 years or something. Shakespere rocks! Then I ate some cookies and starting a painting over at my friend Erin's house. I named it "Vagina Sun". If anyone were to offer me money for it I would have to laugh but it can go in a gallery showing just for kicks. I'm hittin the books runnin at 7 am that is freakin early. Are you getting up that early? Of course NOT!!!! You get to sleep which is what I wish I could be doing. I'm wrestling with this ideology of true love and soul mates. It just seems like I'm nicer and more respectful to my friends than Justin. I guess sex and love leads to lust, jealousy, rage etc. It is enough to drive a girl mad. So I'm going to wake up and smell the damn coffee and Not wait for a guy on a white horse. Life seems so easier one breath at a time these days....... I'm going to try to fall asleep now. CONGRATS if you made it this far.