Review of Lost 6.03 - 'What Kate Does'

Feb 09, 2010 22:45

Right now I'm watching The Forgotten...and yes, it's totally because Bernard and Alex were shown in the commercials.  It's terrible.  I wouldn't recommend it.

So...this episode.  Rather a let down from last week.

1.  So Sayid is infected by Smokey?  And Claire is infected by Smokey?  That doesn't really seem right.  WTF.

2.  Claire is the new Rousseau...this has potential.  Unfortunately it wasn't introduced until the closing twenty seconds of the episode.

3.  Dogen and Lennon were a lot more tolerable this week.  Lennon actually made me laugh a bit, so score one for Lennon.  But guess what, Justin and Aldo were immediately more awesome than the Temple Others.  I love how bitter Aldo still is about the Karl jail-break.

4.  I liked Jack's line about not trusting himself.

5.  Hello, Ethan Goodspeed!  I love how you can't really forget how freaking creepy Ethan was back in the day, and even though he's really not playing it creepy anymore, he still kind  So I like to imagine that Ethan, in his rebellious youth, back when he idolised Ben and followed him around on missions to kill French chicks, decided he'd anagram of name to something awesome...and that something awesome was 'Other Man'.  LOL, dude.

6.  The whole thing with Kate and Claire was kind of touching, in a way, but at the same time...really?  She's on the run but she drove Claire to the hospital and then stayed there with her?

7.  The woman who was going to take Claire's baby totally looked like Michelle from this season of The Bachelor.

8.  Sawyer nailed down his engagement ring for Juliet under the floorboards?  Really?  It seems like Skate is pretty well finished.  I would just love if these Triangle storylines could end.  I mean, it's not like I don't care about the characters and their relationships with each other on this show.  I just don't care about those specific relationships between those three.

9.  How exactly did the 'diagnosis' on Sayid work?

10.  I'd really appreciate if we could see Ben and Richard next week.  More Miles would be nice as well.

So...Alex and Bernard still haven't shown up in this show.  'Parkour is my ticket around the world' was just uttered very earnestly, as well, which prompted Chris to crack up.  This whole episode has been about parkour.  Parkour, really?  Like, 2004 parkour?

lost:alt!reality, lost:sawyer, lost:ethan, lost:jack, lost:ben, episode review:lost, lost:richard, lost:miles, lost:lennon, lost:smokey, lost:claire, lost:dogen, lost, lost:kate, lost:sayid

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