Title: Sometimes
Fandom: LOST
Rating: G
Word Count: 254
Summary: Sometimes it seems like everything's possible. [Ben/Juliet]
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: LOST is the property of ABC.
A/N: For
lost_constant, who also stumped me on the fanfiction meme. Used for
varietypack100 prompt #32 - sunset.
x-posted to
lost_fanfic and
henrygalelovers Sometimes they take walks along the beach at sunset. The waves lap gently at that time of day and the ocean turns grey and pink and blends polychrome with the sky. He makes her smile and laugh, and sometimes it’s at the whimpering end of a hard day, or a bad day, and sometimes it seems like she doesn’t know how much it means to him that he can draw her just a little out of her sadness. Sometimes it seems like she does.
Sometimes they stop and watch the rolling waves and clouds skidding by on the horizon, and they talk. She tells him things that he already knows about her, but when she gives voice to them they’re new; they’re no longer just facts in a manila file folder. In return he tells her the truth (about what he can).
Sometimes he invites her to dinner, and most of the time she accepts, and he opens his home and his family to her. She’s good with Alex, who needs a woman in her life who won’t die, bleeding to death, red on silver and white, on a useless operating table.
Sometimes, when Juliet stands close to him on the beach, their feet sinking softly into the damp sand and the warmth from both their bodies radiating out and mingling in the air between them, he allows himself to believe that she might see him as something more than an employer; a neighbor; a colleague; a friend.
Sometimes it seems like everything’s possible.