Title: Stuff of Legend - The Domestic Life?
aurorasparrow88 Pairing: Doctor/Rose
Rating: Teen
Timeline: Alternative Satan's Pit ending
Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who, as much as it pains me to admit it.
The Domestic Life
The Doctor clenched his teeth as the planet disappeared into the black hole taking the TARDIS and Toby with it. He'd figured it out. Of course he had. He shivered to think of what would have happened if the cable hadn't snapped when it did taking the lift the ten miles down with it. He and Ida would have gone down and then Rose… He didn't want to think about it. A warm hand enveloped his. He looked back to see Rose leaning forward in her straps. Her eyes tried to comfort him. She was thinking about him, the TARDIS. Never herself. He turned back and squeezed her hand. No, he didn't know why he was worrying. She was Rose Tyler. She could do anything. Of course she could. Absorbed the time vortex. Saved the world. If he believed in anything, it was Rose Tyler, defender of the earth. His hero.
One year later
She turned the key in the lock. The door swung open as she pushed it with her foot and trudged in, groceries weighing her down. She placed them down on the bench. "Honey, I'm home!' She called with a laugh.
"In here!" He called from somewhere in the distance. She took off her jacket and slung it over the railing and skipped down a bare hallway. She slipped into his library to see him sitting in the chair she'd gotten him at a bargain just last week.
"Not clipping coupons, are you?" She asked lightly as she perched in his lap. Her arm wound about his neck.
He groaned contentedly and rested his arm on her waist. "Oh, no. Never me."
She slipped his specs off him and tucked them into his blazer pocket. "That's better, brown eyes," she teased.
"Oi," he feigned hurt. "Thought you liked the specs."
She grinned. "Yeah, but I like this better." And she leaned down. Their lips met.
He slid his fingers through her bright blonde hair, then pulled back suddenly. "Wait. The Smiths. They were going to come see the house today."
"John," she chided, poking his nose. "You worry too much. We've got time. Besides, I have a feeling they don't really plan on coming back. Too young, too restless. Mr. Smith practically pulled his wife's arm out of her socket on the way to get out yesterday." She kissed him again.
He sighed her name. "Maggie."
Somewhere far across the universe, in another dimension, the Smiths laughed hysterically as they stumbled outside the blue Police Public Call Box, the Powell Estate within their sights.
"Told you," Mrs. Smith stated triumphantly.
"Oh," he dragged out the syllable. "Never doubted you. Knew you could do anything." He hadn't before, but now, as the last glimmers of gold faded from her eyes, he believed it explicitly. "Home," he whispered. A man with no planet, no country, no family, no house. No. None of that. He didn't need any of that. Not when he had her.