Boring Sunday

Jan 19, 2014 14:16

I'm spending an extremely tedious Sunday embroidering the final shirts for the OKRF leadership team. Our 2 day retreat is next week end and the OKRF cast mixer is the following week end. Auditions for the part of Princess Elizabeth, who will become Queen Elizabeth within two years, will be held. At least four actresses are signed up to try out for the part. They will also be casting Walsingham, Lettice Knolleys, and (god knows why) Catherine de'Medici. King James of Scotland will be our King and the Princess will act as the emmisary for her father, King Henry, who stayed in London on court matters. "Queen" Margaret of Scotland will be phased out over the next two seasons and then Elizabeth will be Queen. Should be quite a ride.

Personally, I'd make a clean break this year and not mess about. They don't keep the old Bond in a cameo role while they introduce a new one. Not identical I know, but the same in spirit. Henry isn't coming back and no amount of pussy footing or sugar coating is going to change that.
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