Title: Merlin has Addergies
auroraprimaveraRating: PG
Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur (or: Merlin/Ardur)
Summary: Arthur wants to know why Merlin is sneezing so much.
Word Count: 1,671
Warning(s): Scmoopy crack :D
sezso &
shiny_starlight (Because they are awesome and encourage me and I love them!)
Author's Notes: Started as comment!fic & was written for
sequanne because she was having a bad day. Hope your day is better, love! She gave me the prompt "flowers" & well because Colin's allergic to like a bazillion things I figure Merlin is as well. Also - thanks to
gealach_ros for laughing whenever I gave her a new snippet. You rock BB!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction - none of this ever happened. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work. Please observe your local laws with regards to the age-limit and content of this work.
There was a loud sneeze followed by a few coughs just outside his door. Arthur frowned, if anyone was getting sick he didn't want them near him. Just as he thought that the door to his chambers opened and a sneeze preceded the person walking in.
"Merlin, if you're going to be sneezing like that, get out."
"Thorry, I cad't help it."
Arthur watched his manservant as he started making his way about, cleaning up Arthur's mess. Merlin's eyes were red and swollen, his nose a soft pink and his cheeks a little puffy.
"Are you sick? Because if you are you need to stay away."
Merlin shook his quickly and sneezed again. "No, not thick, addergies."
Ah. "What are addergies?"
"No, no. addergies."
"That's what I said."
"No, I mean..." Merlin sighed, "My node ith thuffy. I cad't...Devermid."
With a sigh Arthur waved for him to continue and ignored the sneezes as best he could.
It wasn't until well after luncheon that Arthur had had enough. Merlin's coughing and sneezing had got progressively worse, becoming a horrible distraction.
"Merlin! Enough!"
Merlin froze and looked at him with wide eyes. "Thorry?"
Arthur huffed and pulled his sword out of Merlin's hands and pointed to the door. "Get out of here and go to Gaius. See if there's anything he can do about your addergies." When Merlin tried to protest he waved him on, "Go now before I lose what little patience I have for you. Go!"
Merlin scrambled up from his position on the floor and ran out of his chambers, sneezing the entire way.
The next day when Merlin came back he was still sneezing and Arthur had to contain a groan of annoyance.
"Merlin, what did I say about the sneezing?"
"Thorry, Gaiuth cad't do a'thin' 'bout dem."
"I thaid, Gaiuth cad't - "
"Nevermind, Merlin. I can barely understand what you prattle on about half the time - let alone now. Just...shine something or another."
Merlin nodded and settled in a corner of Arthur's chambers, placing armour around him like a defensive wall. Arthur ignored him and finished getting ready before heading out. He would leave Merlin there and avoid him as much as possible.
When Arthur returned to his chambers late that afternoon Merlin was still tucked away in his corner, Arthur’s armour - shined and polished - spread out around him. Merlin himself was curled with his knees up, arms wrapped around them, his head at an awkward angle. His breathing was deep and slightly ragged, an occasional sniffle finding its way out.
Arthur couldn’t explain it but the sight of his manservant sleeping like that warmed his heart. He stepped over to Merlin and with as much care as possible picked him up and carried him over to Arthur’s bed. As soon as Merlin felt the bed beneath him he curled up into a tight ball, small smile gracing his lips.
It was nice having Merlin quiet, and not sneezing, so Arthur let him sleep. He set about in gathering his armour and laying it out on the table, admiring the clean shine. Arthur wasn’t sure how it happened, but Merlin always managed to make it look like new.
He had a meeting with his father in a few minutes and headed to the door. Before leaving he glanced back at Merlin and smiled.
Merlin’s addergies continued for the next few days, worse some days than others. After a few short arguments where he didn’t understand what Merlin was saying and where Merlin grew frustrated with Arthur, he let it go. If there was nothing to be done, then so be it.
It was a warm day and Arthur headed to Gaius’ chamber, intent on finding his manservant and dragging him out for a hunt. As he reached the physician’s door he heard the older man talking loudly, arguing. He approached carefully and eased the wood door open slightly.
"You have to tell him sooner or later Merlin."
"I cad’t Gaiuth - how do I edplaid dat my addergies are from a magical flowder?"
"Just tell him the magic is what gives you allergies. It’s true, either way."
"But dormal people dod’t get addergies from magical flowders!"
"Merlin, you have to -"
"NO! I cad’t tell him Gaith! You uderstad why."
"Yes, I do. I just think - Well never mind that. Come on, you have to drink this to help you a bit."
"Dat doedn’t help any. Maketh me theepy."
"But it keeps you from causing things to fly in the air whenever you sneeze. Come on Merlin."
A grumble and then Arthur heard what he presumed was Merlin drinking whatever elixir Gaius had given him. He stepped back and stared at the door, his heart pounding in his chest. There was no way that what he’d heard was…well…no. He must have misheard.
He walked away with a heaviness he couldn’t explain. That had to be it, he must have misheard. Nothing else. Otherwise…Merlin obviously didn’t trust him enough.
Arthur didn’t see Merlin for about two days, as he avoided him as much as possible. He got up early and escaped, leaving a pile of things to be done in the middle of his room. It wasn’t that he was mad Merlin had kept his secret from him, more like…hurt. Which truth be told, wasn’t something he was all too ready to admit to.
He wanted Merlin to tell him but he wasn’t sure how to go about getting him to do so.
It was when he saw Gaius walking across the courtyard late on the second day that he got an idea.
He was sitting in his chair, as casually as possible, when Merlin came in the next day. Blue eyes widened at actually seeing him in the room and then widened even more at seeing the flower that was covering every available surface of Arthur’s chambers.
"Hello, Merlin. How are you this fine day?"
"Splendid. Well, carry on and do whatever it is that you do. You know, manservant-y stuff." He fluttered his hand in the general direction of his chambers and turned back to the parchments laid out on the table before him.
Merlin spluttered for a bit, staring at Arthur with a hurt and wide eyed look. When Arthur continued to ignore him he huffed and shut the door, moving around the chambers and clearing what he could, avoiding the flowers as much as possible.
He started sneezing a few minutes later, coughs and sniffles following shortly after. Arthur wanted to wait for Merlin to say something and the plan would have worked perfectly if not for what happened next.
When Merlin gave a particularly loud sneeze the parchment in Arthur’s hands rose up and started flapping about like birds.
Arthur was startled but not all that surprised. He leaned back and sighed, looking towards Merlin and waiting for him to see what he had done. It took a few moments but then Merlin looked up from where he was trying to settle down on the floor without touching any flowers. He cocked his head to the side, as if trying to figure out what Arthur was doing.
Then he heard the fluttering of the parchment and looked up. Arthur knew the instant that Merlin recognized what he had done. His eyes widened once again and his skin lost what little color it held. Merlin looked back at Arthur and fear shone in his eyes.
"Well, Merlin, are you going to explain this to me or am I going to have to guess everything?"
"I cad edplaid!"
"Really? Like you’ve avoided explaining anything to me for almost a week now?"
"I’m thorry. I wadted to tell you, I did. But I could’t. I cad’t let me come bethweed your fader and you. Uderstad dat pleath."
Arthur pretended to understand everything Merlin had just said and sighed. They were silent for a few minutes and then Merlin sneezed again. This time the blue neckerchief he was wearing started flapping around his face. He immediately started flailing his long arms trying to hold it down, but it seemed to have gained a life of its own.
After a few moments of loud, uncontrolled laughter Arthur took pity on his manservant and got up to rescue him from the suddenly dangerous neckerchief. He untied it from Merlin’s neck and let it fly away to join the parchment still swooping around his room.
"I’m thorry Ardur, I really am. I wadted to tell you. I’m tho thorry."
Merlin’s eyes were bright and wet with tears and Arthur couldn’t say anything to that. "What can we do to stop these allergies?"
"Um," Merlin’s face turned a bright tomato red.
"I hath to…I hath to kith de perthon I love."
"That’s all? Really?"
Merlin nodded and mumbled a soft, "yeth, really," his face still bright red.
"Well alright then. Let’s go find Gwen." Arthur stood up to head to the door but a hand clamped around his wrist. He looked down to see Merlin staring at him with, once again, wide eyes. He was going to have to do something about that, they made him feel especially weak in the knees.
"Nod Gwed!"
"Oh," he scrunched up his nose, "Morgana then?"
"Well then, Merlin, who?"
"You’re going to have to tell me sooner or later, come on then. On with it."
Merlin heaved a great sigh and got up. Before Arthur could say anything else Merlin leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. It lasted only a moment before Arthur pulled back. He stared at Merlin for a moment and only saw genuine affection and trepidation.
"All right then." He leaned into Merlin and kissed him, deeper and longer this time. When they separated again Merlin had his arms wound around Arthur’s neck, fingers idly playing with the short hairs there. "Feel better?"
Merlin smiled wide and happy, "yes, much better, thank you."