More Lexean lol

Feb 13, 2009 00:36

 Okay I shall have some porny ones up soon I promise....but I was babysittin today and didn't wanna risk the lil one seeing slashy goodness and being scared/turn out gay and blame me XD I kid.

For now though two piccies (One with text one w/o)
Yes this is definately based on herohunter's ficcy! Dea's pic is one the wall *points* lol (That's actually an 'adjustment' to a morph of Jensen Ackles and Scarlett Johanssen!) Isn't she pretty!? *rofl*


And now with lols

Okays so I decided to add 'Dea' :3 I just think she's so pretty I had to really *rofl*

Wth is up with LJ? can anybody see these??? *growls* This better be fixed soon!!!

....and tis soon as I freakin type it :S frigging weirdness.

lex, dean, lexean, manip, mpreg

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