yeah yeah. we were livejournal friends a long time ago cause i think i voluenteered to help with some sort of shoot you wanted to do on dreams or something? i can't remember exactly. i remember i took you off because it was back in the day before the standard lj cut usage and it took me ages to get throught posts everytime. and i didnt even know you so i was like oh well. but now its a whole different situation. :) yay friends.
oh, and can you ask lane if i can get a ride to matt & friends' halloween parade? my phone isnt working again.... and if he cant, if jt or clint or joey, etc, etc can?
but now its a whole different situation. :)
yay friends.
i just sent you your photos from natalies fashion show in an email, i hope this one actually gets to you.
this post is crazy with all the commenting and replying at the same time.
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