Oct 11, 2004 17:40
hoooooooray for great weekends.
mirah was great, of course. she told me that she wore the hat i made for her all winter.
tara jane o'neil was also very awesome.
my period was NOT awesome however. but the greatest person in the whole world did everything he could to ease my pain. like taking walks and holding my tummy and me so close. or not letting me drive either to atlanta or back except for 2 hours at the very end. instead rubbing my back while i layed in his lap and he drove.
jennifer and i went hiking while lane was at the wedding.
we drank a lot at the reception, but not as much as his family members did.
says they: i am sooooo cute and we are the cutest couple even though we aren't.
and im invited to another wedding...in ohio?
the times are good.