Oct 11, 2003 03:20
I have really cool friends.
I have a nifty, morbid sense of humor.
Like my new icon?
Ramsus must crash and burn like a paper airplane caught in the engine of a boeing.
*raises her shaking fist to the sky*
Dear Ramsus: I sympathized with you the first ten times I saw your sob story, boy, but no more! (...alright, I still sympathize for you, but can you please tell Miang to stop killing me? lollerskates, thx, luv Aurie)
I need some time off work, I think, my brain is about to 'splode.
I'm much better than I was last night.
We got Mikey groomed and he's oh so adorable and tiny without all his thick matted fur. Rebel's doing fine now also. Vet bills made mom borrow 500 or so dollars from me. I don't expect her to pay it all back, but she feels bad enough having to borrow it, I doubt I could get her to just drop it all.
Sorry Janna. :X <3