(no subject)

Mar 25, 2008 12:26

I'm terribly sick (I think I have the flu..) and am all alone. Yesterday I spent the majority of the day at school, then went home with the intention of packing some things up, but I was so tiiirrred. I laid on my couch to watch Wings of Desire, couldn't concentrate on it, drank a glass of wine and fell asleep long enough to wake up to the end of the movie. And then I couldn't sleep and I was in too much pain (everywhere..) so I took nyquil, a dose of that fizzy stuff, and 2 packets of emergen-c and laid back in bed and waited for everything to stop aching/spinning. It took a good 45 minutes (where I spent the majority of the time crying like a 10 year old into my pillow). I even tried to call my mother twice, to no avail.

I need a hug and a home cooked meal :( :( :( :(

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