Sep 13, 2006 09:40
So i have this cavity...and I've had it like a year, and I was gonna fix it while I was on my parents insurance, but they only wanted me to go to the guy in Okanogan or go to Canada, Which i can't really just arrange w/o a car, so I never had it fixed...and now its really bad & I'm looking at places around & its like $200-300 just to have them look at me...but I have to ask flat out, every place I call is so rude here, like duh, we can't quote you prices- it could be 200 to 1300 per cavity, but we can just see you, but that will cost lots of $$ and then you're obligated to stay w/ us for cavity filling.
It sucks not having insurance and being unemployed. Everyone gets cavities right? Why should this be so crazy expensive? The healthcare system in America is screwy(I know..thats news). My parents just say that public medicine wouldn't work b/c of people that abuse it; hypochondriacs, pill poppers & they take a larger % of the pie from everone else- same one's that ruin insurance rates. But shouldn't there be some state coverage of just basic healthcare, a percentage system could be arranged, credits for positive health practices, or caps on how much would be covered per year/month ect.
I have another phone interview w/ another PIRG- this one for New Energy Future today at 1, I need to get stoked for it.
Yesterday I made tons-o-connections at this Environmental Portal meeting set up by Cary Melton, the gf of Mike Seeley the SW music manager- she pretty much rules, she's sent me lots of job offers and this was the, icing. I met alot of Student Conservation Corps members, and a roomate of one that does Feet First, this campaign to promote walkable areas/communities in the area. I am mui exited about that organization. I was bsing for a while with this other woman my age (Ceara) who is working 4 environmental jobs right now, and she gave me some contacts. Also this woman from the city of seattle's city light conservation research division came up to me & was really enthusiastic about me getting in the door there. .. This all happened at Green Drinks, its this AMAZING event put on my a green org, totally free, lots of organic beer and snacks, environmentalists from the area invited to network. It was at the Seattle Aquarium and so cool to see the cuttlefish- this 1 woman I talked to knew all about them- facinating little cephalopods.
After that got done I bused up to Neomos(met an amazing dude on the bus- we talked about karma, Tina Turner and people that you have such a connection to that you must have known them in a past life) I walked in, saw Jason from Dishevelled.. then Jen & Aron at the fry place, ran in to go pee and who should I see but drunk nieghbor Mike! I was soo exited, it ruled! & he was just there for the free beer(big surprise)- I sadly just missed it- it was a Sarathan pre party; the same time as green drinks- but anyway, he was back off to Pasco-land. We reminisced about my painful piercing, spody parties and Blood Brothers. good times. I saw Chris- who was running about all exited since the event was organized partly by him. I met these Ethan & Steve guys that played at Johns Alley in Moscow, reminisced about the Blue House, they said they were MCing the event..but I never saw them on stage- we all promised to be Myspace friends. Jen is so friendly sometimes, its great. Since Ivan didn't come as my guest to the concert, I asked some random girl if she wanted to be my date, so she got in free, so I got a free beer- yay! I need to do some serious good deeds since my karma has been amazing lately. I finally met the Dishevelled photographer, all this hanging out I've been doing at Dishevelled events I've seen him for months- it was getting wierd that I didn't even know his name, and now I can't remember it..Mike or Matt or something. We only stayed for somebody Blue, and Shane Bartell- we missed half his set-poo, I kinda wanted to stay for the Purrs, but also wanted a ride home cause i was still in a skirt from the meeting. I am such a cold wuss. Today I am avowed to do nothing..except read or things that don't cost $$.