Sep 01, 2006 11:39
How and Why do I get myself into these things?? So I'm going on a blind date today and am starting to think maybe this guy is a total psycho and I can't even find my pepper spray. I was pretty happy-go-lucky about it until Jen expressed the sketchiness of the situation. Before I was like..worst case-he's not attractive/boring/socially incompetent=its a bad date, end of with my freaking-worst case-he's a stalker/rapist/murderer and I just signed my death warrent. Oh well, chances are it will be just fine, I just wish I had a job or something to occupy my time.. Although I did waste a long time calling T-mobile about my bill- it was 80, usually 40, i still swear they added wrong cause I put all the minutes in a spreadsheet and 300 minutes were still unaccounted for. drat.
On the plus side it is a gorgeous day, I got to sleep in, saw a hilarious(it was suppoused to be scary) movie w/ Jen & her nieghbors last night(the Wicker Man) its about this colony of women that oppress men and sacrifice people on this bees, they have bees and its a matriarchy and its all natural/organic...I just wanted to move there. I also applied to two really rad jobs with environmental education..the 1st i'm underqualified, but still have a shot...the 2nd is Americorps(which I've heard good & bad things about), and soo cool sounding- implementing environmental/social/art programs for young girls.. pretty much right up my alley. So here's hoping...