Oh my god, I hate the people who created
this community. How can you possibly think pit bulls are horrible ugly creatures that have nothing better to do than maul people? True, they're aggressive, but if trained properly, and exposed properly, they can be exceptionally sweet dogs. I've taken care of a few of these at Second Chance, a few of them mixes, one or two pure, and they're much sweeter than the smaller dogs, from experience. I found this off
stupidpetowners and I'm just astounded. What kind of assholes are these guys? I'm just happy that the community has very few members - very few idiots to share in the misery and torment of animals. They have a stereotypical hatred for pit bulls which I can't explain.
Also, I made a
new template to give to Craig at Trap17 when I'm done with it. I rather like it :/