Hear the drum pounding out of time

Jun 24, 2005 13:08

We ranked 3rd in the Trivia competition today. It was kind of sad because no one could answer the questions that I knew. When it wasn't my turn, I could say every answer but when it was my turn, I only got about %75 of them right. I need to look over my notes a bit more. I've only felt bad about losing three trivia competitions. One of them was the TV setup where the students of some random school made up their questions and asked them to their own team. CHEATERS. Another was the State Certamen dealie but I'm not getting back into that. Next year, we'll rock their socks off because that's what Brook does. Oh, the third one was probably this one. It ranks really low on my scale of "bad tries" but had I been able to go up for every question, we would have won. I'm pretty certain of my own abilities but I don't like to deny everyone else a chance to try. For example, Richard, the Asian kid with a mental impediment, got a question right for us when we prompted him to buzz in. Otherwise, he didn't know when to push the button, even if he knew the answer. It was a milestone because until then, we thought of him as a dead weight on the theme. I still sort of think that but we can help him understand the DNA procedures. Ravenclaw house should have their own study group.

Note to whoever reads this (from my camp): Prashant, I didn't maul or stab you. It was only a scratch. And it was worth it.

Being a level 51 in Warcraft has mixed blessings. For one, I can finally enter Alterac Valley to get my ass kicked. Second, I can wear my Wicked Leather headband. Third, I can join the 51-60 CTF group with little to no wait time (15 min is a LOT better than 2 hrs +). However, I got my ass kicked in CTF because of my level. So my priorities are to turn in my quests, do Maraudon and Sunken Temple runs, and hopefully I can get to at least 52 or 53 in the next week.

God I love that game.

Wal-Mart is selling Count Chocula for $1.98! It's a bargain! Normally, it's about $3 a box. The only bad thing about it is that they're 10 oz. boxes. Normal cereal boxes are about 13 - 13.5 oz.

I've discovered a colony of ants in both Ajay's room (hiding under his JAMA magazines, no less) and in the clothes hamper in the bathroom. Both colonies will be eradicated shortly, or whenever I can get Anoop to help me vacuum. Pesky little things. You leave your food for a second and the dish turns black with swarming little bodies.

I've decided that my story needs yet another fullscale renovation. I'm ditching some characters, keeping it simple. I can't describe schizophrenia worth crap so that will also have to be taken out somehow.

Good luck on your boards, Ajay! We're all cheering for you and just because Anoop's an ass, I'm gonna level Downs' fishing to 50 :)

As a finale, Sandy has now learned to discern between her right and left paws and my right and left hands. It's kind of half-assed, but when I say "Right hand!" she uses her left paw to hit my right hand, and vice versa for "Left hand!". It's still fuzzy to her because she's only a little dog with little brain but my goal is for her to be able to solve a Rubix cube for me within a year :)
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