Listen to the wise man

Apr 23, 2005 17:22

When we grow up and become popes of a church we're not affiliated with in any way, Jamie, Alan, and I will be Pope Eri, Pope Ahontas, and Pope something or another...yes, I forgot my name.

Erm...because we kind of have to have Lisa at the party, it MAY be scheduled to another week. I don't want it to be too far into May because it'll be freaking hot outside, so that's why I chose April...but, I will let you guys know.

Battle of the Bands today was all right. A lot of the bands had good guitarists. But I was rooting for PMF the whole way. I mean, they were the ones that stood out. While you couldn't hear Zach singing, Michael's crazy guitaring and Philip's haphazard bass-ing/clarinet-ing were really good. It was worth it, but in the end, 3rd place went to Almost Famous (nice guitars, ok singing, drumming was spasmodic...6/10), 2nd to Metalloid (I love their intro - it was Canon in D on the electric and it sounded really nice. Then they started playing some crap that sounded like everything else. 7/10), and 1st to Tridium (It seemed like the whole school was rooting for this band. They didn't sing, and they just rammed at their guitars the whole time. I was expecting a bit more. I can't enjoy instrumental music at all. 5/10). If they hadn't been so generic, it would have been better. Props to Godsend who had a nice first song and a good singer. And props to whoever baked those awesome cupcakes. I can still taste the strawberry goodness.

Oh oh people of the earth
Listen to the warning the seer he said
Beware the storm that gathers here
Listen to the wise man

I dreamed I saw on a moonlit stair
Spreading his hand to the multitude there
A man who cried for a love gone stale
And ice cold hearts of charity bare
I watched as fear took the old man's gaze
Hopes of the young in troubled graves
'I see no day' I heard him say
So grey is the face of every mortal

Oh oh people of the earth!
'Listen to the warning' the prophet he said
For soon the cold of night will fall
Summoned by your own hand
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