And it won't leave me alone...

Mar 30, 2005 17:37

I don't study for tests and I do extremely well, except for in math. In math, regardless of how much I study, I get less than someone who didn't study. Even if I use the calculator, or if I use scratch paper. Something isn't clicking and it's hurting my grade (is that possible?). I thought it would change when we switched units but I just haven't been performing up to snuff on any level. Mrs. Battenfield is possibly the least interesting teacher I have. At least Mrs. Wilk was funny and spent time on notes and lessons. I did fairly well on her tests because we spent some days on it. We've had two quizzes and a test this week. My highest grade's been a 90 (it was a quiz, so daily grade :() and I've turned in all my homework. It's just those god damned tests that break apart my streak.

However, in biology, I ace the protists test without even trying and when I look over fungi, I guess I mix stuff around or something because I made a 75 on that. At least, in bio, it doesn't affect my grade. And Mrs. Spozio can teach, thank god. I've been doing very well in English and well in Latin (how can I improve when I'm not really learning anything new?).

Geography is the same old thing. I have to do my report on Djibouti which is due next Friday, so I have plenty of time to look things up on my country. In a few million years, it won't even exist. It was part of the ancient Aksum empire of Ethiopia, it was a French colony for a while, Nazi Germany took it over when they were in France and renamed it (no rule changes, nothing. Just renamed) to Vichy France. Then they leave, and a guy with a 6th grade education stays in power for 22 years and then another guy takes over who happens to be his nephew. Sounds like the Romans ><

I have a Romantic festival coming up next week too. The only challenge is my vocal piece which requires me to hit a high E...kind of tough. I also have to pick a song for the studio recital - a pop song. Any suggestions?

State is in two days (what to do, what to do?!) and Jennifer, Jamie, and I are going to have an awesome time as roomies. We'll be leaving early Friday morning and returning around 2 AM on Saturday. I promise not to be annoying but we're going to terrorize the guys. Rar!

I've been doodling excessively and I finally drew a decent hand. I know I'm supposed to use this notebook for writing, but I always pause and doodle when I start to write. I can do five pages of outlining in a row and not need to draw, but I can't seem to actually write without doodling. I'm a doofus.

Alleria was down all day yesterday and it pisses me off because I'm ONE BAR FROM MY LEVEL O_O. Don't worry, my brothers. The dog is getting her walks and you can feel her ribs again. Or psuedoribs...whatever they are. I just love to play too much! Which is why I take my spiral everywhere to get my mind off of WOW.

2 days until STATE!
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