Hello, again.

Mar 15, 2011 16:50

I feel compelled to write again, to be creative. Save cover letters and the occasional job application essay, I've done nothing intensely analytical since I graduated from college last May. For that reason, I have decided to return to the blogosphere.

Why LiveJournal and not some other blogging tool? Because I'm not here to impress anyone. I know I'll be writing nothing profound or widely-read, so why should I act pretentious and feign professionalism? I'm a somewhat- ordinary twenty-something; I'm attempting to make sense of myself and understand my surroundings. In other words, I am not here to defend some cause or promote a particular lifestyle (intellectualism, hipsterdom). Rather, I've returned- as cheesy as it sounds- to just be me, whoever that might be. This is my space.
I've had a long history with LiveJournal. This lovely little blog is nearly as old as my Neopets account (Yes, I still occasionally play Neopets. You can laugh.), and I simply cannot bear to part with it. It has followed me through high school and hospitalizations, boyfriends and...er...something alliterative (benzodiazepines?); it has essentially become part of me and my identity.

Where do I go from here? While I have no intention of deleting older entries (even those that I find horribly embarrassing), musings after this entry will definitely be much different. My blog will become more anonymous- not in the sense that I'll be writing any less about myself and my opinions (the egotist that I am)- but in the sense that less of my deeply personal life will be disclosed, at least to the general public. I've made strides to revamp my profile so that the important details of my life are less overt. I've also edited my interests, trimmed my friends and communities lists, and did a much-needed aesthetic tune up. Nothing is drastically different- just neater and less anxiety-provoking for me.

I hope that this journal will prove to be at least somewhat informative, both for me and for everyone else with the patience to read it. Personally, I hope that divulging some information about myself will hold me accountable: I'm known for my procrastination and my tardiness, and I truly hope to break these awful habits. I also continue to struggle with some inner demons (to be explained less vaguely later, when I feel the time is right)- a battle I have waged for much of my life. And while it has been a winning battle, I still find such struggles to be occasionally trying and quite emotionally exhausting. I'd love to read your input and advice, and in exchange I'll let you try to figure me out.

writing, livejournal

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