French people are weird.

Nov 30, 2007 20:25

So, yeah. Alizee's new single is pretty awesome. The video is, uh, pretty French. It's nice to know that she can still rock the mini-skirt even POST-baby. After 4 years of waiting, her new album is definitely something I need to pick up.

Ooh so I'm having a resurgence in <3s for Baby V.O.X/Korea in general. Their 4th and 5th albums are really some SOLID materal. And their other albums (from what I've been able to hear) have some real GEMS on there. Oh if only I were into Kpop back when I started liking Jpop.
I really need Miyoun's and Eunjin's solo albums. I still have yet to reply to Ultra helper/friend Soohyun, but at least I'm finally (doing my best) to read the book she sent me, thus learning more of Korean's CRAAAZY grammar to reply to her with more complex sentences than 야/있어. ^^;;
Oh and Korea has awesome movies. "싸이보그지만 괜찮아" (aka: I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK), is awesome. SOOO weird, and starring WORLDWIDE POP SENTATION Bi... as a mental patient... who often scratches his butt. Oh, fun times.

I'm ALSO having a resurgence in my love for LUNA SEA. They were essential to my starting of Jrock/pop, and ever since my 10th grade obsession with it, IMAGE has constantly been in my top 10 albums. (Snd "Storm" = many late-night conversations with Judy around the, uh, interesting lyrics "Do you like it rough?" <3) But after being engulfed in Jpop and discovering oldie-Jpop, LUNA SEA kinda got left in the pile of "still fantastic, but former obsession". Now, however, I need all of their albums I have yet to get. Which is a lot. :(
I also need to find a way for get to Japan by December 27th and sneak into Tokyo dome. Yay for reunions! <3

And everyone needs to watch this video of my 一番 FAVORITE SONG:

They played it at their final concert! Post-love song Ryuichi + old song = ;__; (+joy).

Umm, and just because, people need to see this video too. Kouhaku Uta Gassen from 1969, with Chiyo Okumura. The '60s are awesome. Chiyo Okumura is awesome. Need I say more?:

Uhh, semester's almost over! I'm not doing as good as I usually do this semester and I'm going to have to study my butt off for the final exam to get a good grade in some classes. Lets just hope it doesn't drop my GPA too much. ;__;
AAAAND, last class with Sakamoto Sensei on Monday. She's been my Japanese teacher for the whole time I've learned the language in college. I very well may cry. (I'll be crying at the oral exam and the final too, but for different reasons. x.x)
Oh, and my school learnings of Ovid are coming to an end too. It was a fun fun semester, even though Latin murders me and sets my slain body up for show every MWF. I'm really excited for next semester's Love Poetry though, as that is what I REALLY like Ovid for. (Only Catullus and Horace though. :()

Ooh, so I decided to post this in LJ AND facebook, as I haven't updated LJ in a good 11 weeks, and Facebook seems to be my (and Judy's?) prefered internet site for this sort lately.

OH OH OH. And Dramas are AGAIN awesome, and Abarenbo Mama (along with, naturally Aya Ueto's loveliness) is FANTASTIC and I need to see more. Or I will explode.

Umm, I'm done there. Off to frolic with my Latin poetry while rockin' out to LUNA SEA and dancing to Baby V.O.X. Because that's really all I do with my life. Wheee!
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