A list of What I've been up to

Oct 25, 2004 01:42

I like lists, so bear with me. No one reads this drivel anyway...giggle giggle, retarded sound

1. Working 40 hours a week at the Big Barnes and Noble (I've moved up in management...go me).
2. Attending school 20 hours a week.
3. Working in the HOT (Humanities Out There) program. Basically, I teach 7 grade underprivledged kids Shakespeare. Hopefully, they don't hate the gringa.
4. Hanging out with my friend Dia, who lets me rant...way too much.
5. Flirting, messing around with, and somewhat secretly adoring one of my best friends.
6. Loving the fact I'm no longer dating Chris.
7. Trying to figure out what the fuck Alexander at work thinks he's doing
8. Doing homework. (white Teeth...for school this time around)
9. Reading whatever I damn well feel like (Theda Bara book this week)
10. about 4 hours of sleep a night.
11. Preparing for Halloween (I'm Elle Driver this year).
12. Being Tori.
13. Trying so hard not to worry and to rely on God.

My new quote:

Stupid people are like chainsaws: the more dull, the more slow, the more painful.
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