Jack and Teal'c = OTP?!

Feb 13, 2009 15:38

Warning: The following is a light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek review. Gentle ribbing of popular pairings may occur. Do not consume beverages while reading.

There's lots of OTPs and even multi-shipping involved in SG-1. I admit I watch the series with decidedly gen-centered teamy goodness goggles. But I do try sometimes to watch with alternate prisms to get the flavor of what my ship/slash friends see. So when I turned my romance perspective on to catch this inter-team romantic chemistry of Jack/Daniel or even Sam/Jack...to what did my wondering eyes appear, but...the true love of Jack and Teal'c saying "dear".

It's the most obvious OTP there! Exhibit One: Teal'c calls everyone by both names and or title and surname. Jack is just "O'Neill". I have seen various pairings' fans point out their special OTP moments-obvious or very subtextual. Heck even being in the same shot together is enough to have my ship/slash friends drooling. Therefore, I've tried to do the same with a non-exhaustive list for Jack/Teal'c, at least for seasons 1-7.

The Pilot/CotG - It was love at first sight! Okay, really Teal'c was first attracted to the more shallow side of things. He just wants Jack for his watch. But a few "Krees" later, and Jack is instantly turning to Teal'c for explanation and reassurance as Daniel is begging to be with Sha're in any way. A few minutes later, and Jack giving a pleading look and a simple "help me." And Teal'c does! Kills his fellow Jaffa, throws away his status as Apophis's Best Fella, and surrenders to the Tau'ri. All from one look by Jack. It's epic love from the start.

Enemy Within - Jack's fighting for Teal'c to be with the team, and turning to him for advice when Kawalsky's been Goa'ulded. Teal'c doesn't expect better treatment, but Jack...who's already sort of on thin ice with Hammond from the whole Abydos mess, is still going to bat for his man. Aw, bonding.

Cold Lazarus - Teal'c has been looking forward to his date with Jack to "see Jack's world" (that's what the kids are calling it these days), and looks quite out of sorts it's been postponed since Jack's really a walking talking piece of quartz. Instead he gets scarred by television and Sam and Daniel get him into trouble.

Bloodlines - Jack finds out Teal'c has a family and feels betrayed. Why didn't he tell him these things sooner? Jealousy aside, of course now they have the fact they've both been fathers to connect them and they stick together. I think Drey'auc was eyeing them sometimes too. No wonder she got a divorce.

Thor's Hammer - Jack won't let something happen to Teal'c when the Asgard beam is scanning, so he dives at him, instantly sweeping them both up in the Hammer beam. They're stranded together, in a dark cave! C'mon! That's shippy trope number #35! (or is it #42?) They spend the episode willing to sacrifice themselves for each other against James Earl Jones voiced monster. Jack won't abandon Teal'c there! Sniffle. *hunts for kleenex*

Hathor - Teal'c looks very worried when Jack is almost stuck as a Jaffa. There's such a thing as being too close. No need to share Junior. Luckily he carries him to the sarcophagus so baby can get all better.

Cor'ai - Jack's ready to bust Teal'c right out of prison, justifications be damned. Normally he'd be first in line to lynch Goa'uld and Jaffa and sympathetic to the natives, but not for Teal'c. He's ready to blow them all away to break Teal'c out. It's like he'd "die before he let anything happen to Teal'c." *whistles*

TBFTGOG - While Daniel/Jack fen may point at how he convinces enemy-alt-Jack to do the impossible, it was also after alt-Jack saw the video and got a close look at Ponytail-Teal'c. Alt-Teal'c certainly didn't have any Daniel to convince him to listen to the plea. He looked genuinely intrigued by Jack's words. Again that connection...that chemistry if you will. Right from the start. Until Jack screwed it all up by reminding alt-Teal'c that whoops, blew up your family. Kinda put a damper on things, huh? Poor foiled love.

Line of Duty - Teal'c goes to Jack after Sam is taken over by Jolinar. Offering his advice and support. A very sweet, quiet moment between them before everything goes to hell.

Gamekeeper - Teal'c and Jack bond on an adventure together *in Jack's mind*. Teal'c looked quite comfortable in there. (Even though he has really bad hair).

Thor's Chariot - Now, back on Cimmeria. "Memories...from the corners of my..." sorry. This time Sam and Daniel get to go cave wandering while Teal'c and Jack spend some quality time on what they consider a perfect date, beating up Goa'uld. Too bad they had to wander around with the viking to miss out on nookie time.

Message in a Bottle - Undomesticated Equines...nuff said.

Bane - Who does Teal'c call when he's getting all buggy? O'Neill of course. And who's moving heaven and Earth to get him back? Running to his side in the attic? Why it's Jack! True angsty h/c ship in action!

Matter of Time - Just look at Teal'c's face as he's trying to haul Jack back from the brink. So soon after Bane too. Will the universe never just let this pair be together?

Holiday - Jack and Teal'c body switching. Quality kel'no'reeming. Teal'c certainly felt comfortable enough with Jack's body to want to shave it...

Fifth Race - Jack and Teal'c bond on their down time with boxing. Aw (hmm, maybe Jack's upset Teal'c does this with Jonas on the side in Season 6? THAT's why he doesn't want Jonas on the team. Now we know what got alien conspiracy in Teal'c's head. Heh. It's all clear now. *adjusts tin hat*)

One False Step - Jack seems pretty annoyed Teal'c is listening to Daniel instead of to him. Sure, he *says* it's because of the plant noise, but...

1969 - Let's do the time-warp again. Jack and Teal'c are the dynamic duo stargazing (okay, sungazing) and fixing rainbow buses.

Legacy - Jack is right by Teal'c's side as he's sick, holding him up, watching for an answer.

Deadman Switch - Teal'c sacrifices self for team by offering himself to the bounty hunter. Jack vows to get him back. Aw! The angst! Even Aris Boch is moved by these endearments so much he gives Teal'c back. *wait, I have a little something in my eye*.

A Hundred Days - Who volunteers straight away to go through the Stargate to rescue O'Neill? He's willing to walk through a firestorm (George won't let him). Sure Sam was working on wormhole ideas and Daniel was trying to reach Tok'ra, but when it's the actual risky mission, it's Teal'c who goes. Look at Jack's delight to get the radio transmission. The anxiousness to dig him out. Between Laira and Teal'c, no question. "You are one crazy sunofabitch."

New Ground - Of course they're anxious about each other (and the team). But while Jack sends the others forward, he runs back to get Teal'c during the rescue, worried about how he's doing.

Nemesis - One small step for Jaffa...Daniel's not the only one to get Jack's almost CPR attempts, complete with crows of delight Teal'c's survived!

Small Victories - More bonding while shooting stuff. The pair that dies together...gets to be beamed up by Thor. (The Thor-O'Neill-Teal'c love triangle should be discussed a different day.)

The Other Side - He'll order Carter around and ignore Daniel's misgivings, but when Alar insults Teal'c? THAT'S when Jack notices something's screwy. He's got a bit of blinders when it comes to the big guy.

Upgrades - More boxing. Teal'c runs to his idiot drugged up team's rescue and won't leave the facility even though the forcefield won't let them reach O'Neill and Carter. Hey, as a certain other shipper group may argue, no Goa'uld barriers can keep Twu Wuv apart.

Crossroads - Jack looks so HURT Teal'c is ditching him SG-1 for his old flame Shau'nauc (and note, Daniel's the one who has to clue Jack into the relationship). But he's right there when Teal'c's grieving.

Window of Opportunity - Turning from boxing to golf and juggling. Of course after so many loops, anyone can get bored and need some time away from each other. At least they could share the pain.

Watergate - Harry has to drag Jack into the freezer, but Jack's calling after Teal'c when the aliens possess him. Such worry h/c angst again! Oh woah. Luckily the water droplets can see through the power of love that Teal'c and Jack shouldn't be parted. What other explanation do you have that Teal'c was let go while the Russian bodies walked through and were drownded? ;-)

Beneath the Surface - Teal'c is the one who first breaks through the brainwashing and appeals to O'Neill, holding him close (okay, so he was holding him back from killing Daniel, but...don't parse my argument with logic details!)

Point of No Return - They're sharing a room with a vibrating bed. Need I say more?

Tangent - Stranded again! With poignant verbal expressions of caring and hope. *sniffle*

Serpent's Venom - Wow, when Jack realizes Teal'c has been kidnapped? He just thought he was playing with his Jaffa buddies, but he's out getting tortured. Oh man, serious angst.

The Curse - I've heard tell "fishing" is a shipping code word. If this is true, note who first actually GOES on a fishing trip with Jack. *nods knowingly*

2010 - The only one of the team it's plausible future-Jack's still in touch with is Teal'c. Even Borren doesn't question it much when Jack shows up at the Stargate.

Prodigy - Teal'c and Jack teamwork from the attacking lightning bugs! Tough love, Jack. "I am going to shoot you now."

Exodus/Enemies - Teal'c captured by Tanith. Jack suffers lots of angst and won't talk about it for quite a while. Daniel has to comfort him. Jack's seriously hurt by this betrayal, and last to clue in Teal'c really is evil dude/brainwashed. Poor baby gets his nose bopped for his trouble too.

Threshold - Sitting in on MacKensie sessions! Even brainwashed Teal'c looks to O'Neill for approval. And then there's the bedside sitting awaiting with worry.

Ascension - Teal'c and Jack drive together to Sam's house. But they ditch her for jell-o wrestling and add Daniel (maybe a bit of OT3 action, who knows, that's a different meta).

Between Two Fires - Jack and Teal'c have special plan to out the baddies. Working together side by side, shoulder to shoulder. And let's not forget how Teal'c took advantage of Tollan tech to hold hands offworld.

Wormhole X-Treme - Undercover together again.

48 Hours - Oh come on, Jack's working with *Maybourne* again to save Teal'c from the Stargate buffer.

Summit/Last Stand - They love to hang out together in the Tok'ra caves, don't they? It's almost a double date what with Sam and Lantash.

Failsafe - Aw, a day out under the stars defusing bombs together. How romantic.

The Warrior - Angst filled as Teal'c once again puts his duty to his people above his loyalty to Jack. Jack totally doesn't take it well and does a lot of ranting.

Abyss - Teal'c comes up with the idea of how to save Jack. Daniel influence? Or the call of OTP?

The Other Guys - Past evidence Jack's taken Teal'c to hockey games together. Aw. And Teal'c pretends not to know, then confesses he's following Vancouver. See, he wants to share Jack's interests.

Allegiance - Jack depends on Teal'c to keep the Jaffa in line (especially when Bra'tac is MIA. And hey, notice how since Season One, he's always been trying to impress Teal'c's father figure. Hmmmm)

Prometheus - Another bonding moment of kicking Goa'uld ass. Really, their favorite dates revolve around this.

Paradise Lost - Teal'c hovers around Carter as she and Lee try and figure out how to save O'Neill. Who is comforting whom in that locker room hug? Another moment to ponder.

Forsaken - Once again, the dynamic duo pair up to investigate the truth.

Changeling - Teal'c dreams of O'Neill being his best friend in two realities. Captain firefighter Sam's not visiting T in the hospital room. Jack is. Teal'c even dreams about moments with Jack that HE'S not even part of! Jack's presence is what grounds him to the real reality when Daniel exposes the truth. And Jack's mighty worried about the big guy (and protests Teal'c's choice to give Junior to Bra'tac. Sniffle!)

Fragile Balance - Sam and Daniel work to wake Jack up to no avail, but the merest low "O'Neill" and Jack's instantly alert, albeit confused why everyone's in his bedroom. Teal'c is supposed to ask before having everyone join in the group stuff.

Orpheus - Aw, Teal'c has lost his mojo, and Jack's being super supportive for him. You can see how it breaks his heart tactically to let Teal'c suffer through the night after the big guy got captured.

Revisions - Jack and Teal'c are roomies again, working together to figure out wtf is wrong with these people. (Sam and Daniel figure it out, but...heh)

Avenger 2.0 - Jack and Teal'c are spending some quality time alone offworld, meeting more of Teal'c's buds. Their little rendezvous is interrupted by Goa'uld of course, but they get that nifty al'kesh to go save Sam and Felger.

Chimera - By the time Chimera comes around, is there trouble in paradise? After all, Teal'c's been hooking up with that Jaffa-T'Pol (Birthright). Jack even checks out Teal'c's donut selection before passing. Poor Teal'c is so hurt. Luckily, they work together to fight Osiris. Maybe a reconciliation Homer Simpson style will be in the near future.

Lost City - Because a picture is worth a thousand words:

fandom, sg canon, silliness

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