Eeep! Twenty-four hours to Reunion weekend for college! Eeep!
I am now no longer freaking that
sg_fignewton will kill me, because I have finished my friendathon story. Three days, 7000 words. Whew. Mind you I have to reread it, and probably edit it half a dozen times, and edit from beta comments...
Speaking of promptathons, some of
abyssinia4077's Post of Squee has some cute comment picspam, and comment fics, and recs, and one of the new fics is an abandoned prompt I submitted for Leapgate way back when.
Speeding Again by fig. Sam. Daniel. Motorcycle. Go read, now!
And then there was the awesomeness of Lost. This is random babbling about the finale. Spoilers abound.
I found Ben intriguing, then annoying, then OMG get him off my screen he's a bunny killer and killed his father, and huh, he's kinda interesting, and now I'm a fan of the Ben and Locke show. When did this happen?
I mean, don't get me wrong. I've always loved Locke...and Desmond...and Hurley...and Sayid...and Sun and Jin (JIN! *sniffle*). And Rose and Bernard. And even Charlie. And sometimes Sawyer (basically almost everyone but Jack and Kate, and Kate grows on me sometimes when she's not with Jack, so I think the only character I don't like is actually the hero. Heh)
But tonight's finale was the Ben & Locke show to me.
"You didn't find the A----(flower I don't recognize), did you?"
"I don't know what they look like!"
Hee! Hee hee hee hee hee. I was literally rocking back and forth laughing for five minutes.
And the whole "here, watch this orientation video while I get some work done."
"Um, you realize the guy on the tape says not to put anything metal in there?"
Poor Michael's storyline died quickly, didn't it? What was with that whole. Here, have a bomb and don't blow it up yet? I knew he was a goner when Hurley looked away from Walt (dude, you grew up, and your voice is deeper!) and said, yeah, I your dad. that's right, dude.
Yay! Desmond and Penny together! Aw! I'm such a sucker for those two. I wonder how he breaks it to her about Charlie.
And flashforward Sun is such a badass! You go girl!
Sayid getting Hurley out of the looney bin. "Dude, I'm having daily conversations with dead people. I don't need paranoia too." "Paranoia keeps me alive."
Yay, Sawyer survived! And was shirtless and in wet jeans. That made the second hour right there. I liked he and Juliet on the beach with the Dharma rum. (Oh, how're they going to get Dharma supplies now? Does Dharma get an island forwarding address?)
Now we know how Ben ends up injured and in a parka in the middle of desert. Sort of. It's times like these I remember Abrams is the dude that made up that whole Alias drama with the not-Leonardo Da Vinci dude.
Of course, the head soldier dude was coming back. He's a freakin Goa'uld! He's dangerous even without his featherduster hat! No wonder Ben stabbed him in the neck. He must watch SG-1. Heh.
Is anyone else worried about the scientist dude who has Desmond as his "anchor"? I mean he was only on the zodiac with random 815 extras. He could be a redshirt! I liked him! I could do without bitchy girl buddy and the asian dude though. I loved Rose smacking him down for the nut chomping. Hee.
Okay, um...that's enough babble.