Three days later, I'm still pissed about this. I can't believe it. While everyone else is having parades or already spinning the BIG NEWS to be good or bad for the show based on various spoilered and speculative story lines, I'm still sulking. Because of what the news says? No. Because of how I found out.
Warning: Long rambling therapeutic rant ahead.
I'm a recovering spoiler who're. Well, I never liked to be really spoiled, but I was addicted to finding out behind the scenes stuff about past eps when Joe Mallozzi was online, and he would tease hints about upcoming episodes. The QUESTIONS were often way more spoilery than his answers, and I got to the point I never read the Qs.
Then he went off line, and I turned over a new leaf. I just wanted to hear about the eps as they happen. "Off the Grid" was a disappointing SG-1 episode to me, because I had seen spoiler pics and heard hints of team adventure, and so had built it up in my mind--high expectations that the episode itself definitely did not meet (it's since grown on me now that I KNOW what to expect).
So, why don't I stay off the internet? Because I like talking about the show, I like reading the fic. I like you people! But, I have become more selective in my online experiences.
I avoid Gateworld completely now. The pages take too long to load half the time for me anyway, with ad crap screwing things up sometimes. But then the content itself. The headlines and pictures on the front page already give away WAY too much information. I found out Ba'al was on Earth way before EDM just from the little blurb at the top (with NO spoiler warning, thank you very much GW, grr), so stopped reading the main page. I would just go to linked articles, but even THAT is too dangerous, so ba-bye GW.
I also avoid Alex Levine's blog (which I only used to read the day AFTER the eps aired) after the infamous pulled blog that gave away WAY too much information, and not for public consumption information about a very personal matter (bad form Levine). Also, Levine's tone in his posts be diplomatic, very "off-putting" to me.
Actually, I avoid the scifi site since their preview pic for Ripple Effect gave away the MAJOR casting spoilers for that episode.
I stay on my nice little message board, explore my friends' pages on LJ, and read a couple of fic yahoo groups off and on.
So, Tuesday morning, I click on one of these fiction groups, a group that still insists on spoiler headings and spoiler space for Season Eight episodes, for crying out loud, and I see a full page of posts with the title "XXX back in SG-1 in Ep YYY" (a yet to be filmed S10 episode) I keep it vague in case you are the one person who's lived under a rock and don't know. I didn't read the messages, though with yahoo you can see a couple lines and I caught enough to know this was NOT just speculation.
Now, I suspected this actual event may happen. It did not surprise me to hear this come about on the show. But it did shock me that I found out in this spot and in this way, with no warning or anything. Of course, my ire can't top one of my Stargate spoilerphobe online friends, who had the news TEXT MESSAGED to her! How do you escape it then?
So I go to my one message board I frequent regarding ep discussion. This board has a rule that spoilers are things not aired in the US yet, and any major casting/episode news not in the mainstream media. (i.e. TV Guide writes something about an upcoming episode or casting news, not a spoiler. A fansite that reports info from casting sides, that's a soiler). Spoilers can be talked about, but they have to be hidden under spoiler tags. It's a rule that's pretty well followed.
I go to that site still in shock about what I've just read on yahoo, and a poster gave a link with no information about what it was, and it was actually a GW exclusive about the BIG news. I clicked off before the page loaded, but the headline still showed on my browser. Another poster below warned it was a spoiler, but unfortunately, his post showed up on the following page. Yet a third poster hid some things under spoiler tags, but he left the big news unspoiled.
Another poster posted unspoilered speculation about a story line which may directly or indirectly relate to this particular news based on AT's comments at the recent Vancouver con. Since I didn't know the exact Q&A, and didn't realize this was speculation ON speculation and was actually INdirectly related to the other news, I freaked and tried to respoil and made a minor rant (if you don't know me Stargate online wise, I'm usually happy go lucky, glass half full, "don't say ka till you've tried it", peacemaker kinda gal).
Well, I got the spoiler v. speculation thing straightened out by my kind fellow posters. And THEN, the poster who was very circumspect in his use of spoiler tags left unspoiled certain other details regarding this particular issue. Which was AGAIN news to me, so I got mad all over again (I suspect he may have thought MY idle wishlist speculation of recurring appearances by a certain character was unspoilered fact and followed from there).
Now, since then, SciFi has put out an official wire announcement regarding this particular event, so technically according to the board rules, it probably isn't a "spoiler", but I'm still whining and sulking anyway.
And yes, those of you, my online friends, who are ranting or praising the news in your respective journals, I haven't read them because of deep fear I'll learn too much.
I do not WANT to know if they all turn into Farscape muppets next year, or Vala's having quadruplets and THEY'LL be the new team, or Jack is returning and getting married to Teal'c or Jonas or Sam or Lam or Daniel in the Gateroom. Or Daniel turns into a Prior. Or Lee blows up Felger. Or Hammond comes back to have a heart to heart with Landry on the proper care of wayward female scientists or civilian archeologists. It could be the greatest thing since sliced bread on the show, or the sign of the show's apocolypse. If you know, please, please, I beg you. DON'T TELL ME!!!!
I like to enjoy the surprise. I like to savor the anticipation of not knowing what's in the wrapped Christmas present. But now I'm sulky, cranky, picking fights with shippers (well, not a "fight" fight, our board's version of a fight, which ends up with everyone having cake afterwards), and generally still in a funk.
I haven't felt this bad since someone spoiled me for the Sixth Sense twist.
Wow, that WAS therapeutic. If you're still around, thanks for listening to my rant. ;-)