My random thoughts about Kindred II (in no particular order, and hey, it's midnight. I may not necessarily be coherent)
More Carson! Lots of Carson! Hi Carson!
Boy, poor Jewel's got a bit of the Jonas effect. I like her, but her chemistry with Paul is just awesomely cool. (No surprise since she and Paul are rl friends)
Aw, not Carson! Boo! Aelf will be happy, but boo! Aw, but Rodney doesn't care. Poor Rodney.
Halling! Hi Halling! Yay! You're not a monster! But...dude, your poor hair!
Poor Teyla.
Heh. I knew that was going to be random New Athos sneakydude when they were in the bar. I love Carson taking charge of the care right there. Whee! And Keller steeling herself and going to save him, aw.
Teyla trying to get through to dad. To bad we don't really get to meet normal Kanaan. Just robotdude. But yay he tried to free Teyla. Too bad he couldn't break free of the brainwashing enough to think to HIT THE BUTTON!
Sam not happy her people ambushed. She so hates this command thing without being in the field herself, doesn't she? You can see her chafing. You rock, Sam!
More Rodney and Carson! and Keller and Carson! And Whee!
Poor Teyla with the whole sonogram and evil green syringe of doom. And I still love Connor's Michael with all his creepy evilness.
Hee! Team happy to see Halling! Hi Halling! Thanks for remembering you guys are friends. (Rodney even recognized his voice from a distance. I mean...Rodney!)
Ack, Carson semi-brainwashed. (And I know everyone's under fire, but it was odd how Rodney just let Carson take off. I guess it makes sense militarily but aw!)
Aw, Sam is getting almost as choked up as she did in Lost City, and she doesn't even know Carson. And Ronon not wanting to get close because he'd get hurt again and AWWWWW!
I'm still pissed the real Carson died from a stupid ass exploding brain tumor though. :-p