My Stargate Fan Recs

Mar 04, 2006 20:00

Here's a list of authors and fiction archives that I've really enjoyed. Don't know if anyone else will care, LOL, but anyway.

In my early days/weeks/months, I just read through some of the archives, and didn't notice authors unless something about their style or website caught my attention. So eventually, I'll probably be adding more recs. I've become much more observant lately. There are lots of "stories" I like, but this is more for consistent authors I've enjoyed. (And I'm still culling through my bookmarks of stories realizing, "hey wait, that's the same author" again...and again...LOL. Sometimes, I'm such a maroon).

Unless otherwise specified, the authors/stories recommended are all gen, since that's what I prefer to read.

I love all the team, but I will admit to having a “wee” preference for Daniel, LOL. Actually, some of my favorite authors also seem to also have a Daniel whumping slant, which I don't tend to write...perhaps some unconscious preferences are showing after all? Heh. Shh. Don't tell. ;-)


AUTHORS in Alphabetical Order Dietcokechic's award winning Barista series is a clever take on the missing scene dynamic. I especially like the early stories. The series just recently concluded, but I encourage you to check out her other fic as well, especially the footsoldier series she's working on with redbyrd. I'm not certain about her new series with the Barista character called the Assistant, but she's a good enough writer I'm sticking around for the ride a bit longer. Fabrisse. Well, Fabrisse is mostly a slash author, though she does have some gen as well. Like the other “JD Divas”, her writing style is consistently excellent. Plus she's my beta, so it's required I love her. *g* Since her stories are so good, that's an easy task. JoaG really likes to “whump” Daniel, but her stories are very original and very well written. There is a comfort side to her hurt/comfort, and it usually doesn't get too smarmy (because personally, I can only take so much of the sap). My personal favorite is "Savior". It is only in recent days that I've put together celticmysts equals moonshayde. Moonshayde writes a lot of interesting stories about my favorite tv team, from some unusual perspectives. I've only recently realized I love so many of her works. I've come to individual stories from rec'ced links and enjoyed them and bookmarked, but didn't realize she was the author of them all. She's very good at finding the unique voice of the characters for their various points of view. Redbyrd is about the best consistent missing scene author I've read in Stargate. I especially like her tag to Scorched Earth: “Friendly Fire.” It is a must read. Scribe is apparently infamous in Stargate fanficdom for her “gen” shower stories. I was initially skeptical, but when in the right mood, the shower series, Daniel's Diaries, and her fics in general can be a great lark to read. The Meridian shower story at her site (written by a guest author, I believe) ALMOST makes that episode bearable to me. It was quite poignant and angsty. Most of the tales there have a great tongue-in-cheek sense of humor. I think this is skydiver119. SkyDiver/Denise has a large variety of fic on her site. She writes some very enjoyable team fics, and fics with a very believable Sam (even if I don't agree with her characterization of Bill Lee, heh. I'm very protective of the little geek). You can really see how her writing has improved over time. Warning, a few of her stories ARE unlabeled J/S ship. I often skip past those since ship's not my cup of tea. TheOneRing writes some interesting team adventures with a unique style. I still remember the oddness and many details of the living vegetation in "Ethos". Last but DEFINITELY not least is Travelling One, one of my absolute favorite Stargate Authors of all! Travelling One has an almost “Twilight Zone” type feel to a lot of her stories. By that, I mean that they have a surreal quality that makes you think about things in a different way, not necessarily moral tales, but there's a lot of grey in the black and white worlds she creates. Plus she's an excellent writer overall.

ARCHIVES Alphagate has a large database of gen, het, and slash (though the het category is very small--I think it's a subcategory of gen). There's a lot of great stories there. I post some of my fic here. Stargatefan is my favorite fanfiction site. It takes only gen, and I like how the site is arranged. It's very easy to search for stories. The only fault is that they're backed up on their updates (and some of their newer stories are on the recent update list, but not categorized yet). Also, do not forget to check out their fanfiction links page. This gives a good lead on all sorts of different Stargate fanfic sites (no matter what your preference for gen, ship, or slash), and has been a great resource to me when I started out in fandom. The Stargate Novel Archive is also a gen only archive that only takes long stories (around 150kb in length at minimum). A great place to find some fic you can really sink your teeth into. Teal'c fic is a new livejournal group that's a great archive for "one of" our favorite Jaffa (don't want Bra'tac fans to get mad at me). It's not limited to gen either, but most stories are clearly marked as gen or particular het or slash pairings, so fans of any genre should be satisfied. Versaphile recommendations is an older site that hasn't been updated, but it does have some good recs for older stories. A fairly easy to use search engine as well, links to gen, het and slash. Reader beware of old/broken links.

OTHER STARGATE RECS alphasite fanvids. To be honest, I haven't watched too many fanvids, because with my dialup connection, it takes forever and a day to download them. However the few I have seen at this site are consistently great in quality. My particular favorite is Sibling Rivalry-which is odd, because I usually don't like vids or fics out of canon context, but this is so off the wall, I took it as humorous; I also enjoy the many team vids I've seen there. nialla42's Breadbox Editions are snarky renditions of Season 7-9 Episodes. Apparently, they're like Mystery Science Theater, with various fan groups good naturedly heckling the episodes, and each other-none are immune. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of her acronyms, but it's worth it. The British Fringeddwellers is snarky comments of all the SG-1 and Atlantis episodes as they're watching. They can be quite amusing, though sometimes hard to read because they make comments about “he” and “that” which without knowing the part of the episode they're referring to can be confusing. Codger's Stargate Photo Album. One of my favorite TWoPsters, Codger has created a dossier on the main and recurring characters of Stargate SG-1. He has a military background, so I'm certain his definition of the various military awards is probably right, even if "how" they got them is a fanwank. Birthdates are canon if possible, then extrapolation based on rank (month and day are the actor's unless specifically mentioned in the show). Check out the various subalbums he has listed at the top of the page. katie_m. To be honest, I haven't gotten around to reading much of her fanfic...yet. However, the link I provide is a hilarious and awesome summary of Stargate up to Season 8.5. She did it for Farscapers coming over, but it's really a must read for any Stargate newbie or long time Stargate fan. Stargatefan awards seems to be the main "award" for fan related fiction, videos, fan art, websites, etc. The nominees are the best place to go for selections because it gives a good sampling of the fandom, and all of the entries at least follow the basic grammar rules. Except for 2005, the sections are clearly labeled as gen/het/slash, so any fan should easily be able to find something to their taste. I think they're about to start the nomination process for 2006, so if you know of any good stories...go forth and nominate! I should look over my own links and cull for nominees, huh? The Stargate Wiki. A huge encyclopedia of transcripts, articles, character biographies, alien language dictionaries, and more. I will admit to being completely biased since I'm also a contributor, but I was a fan before I volunteered to help out. I was attracted to their format more so than some of the other lexicon Stargate sites out there, and so dived in.

stargate recs

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