When Fandoms Collide: Sherlock on Top Gear.

Jul 24, 2013 20:41

Okay, not really. But the new season of Top Gear is on now. Top Gear, for those who don't know, is a British show that ostensibly is talking about cars. Yeah, I know, I thought the same when beanpot first started raving about it. But it's like if a car show was hosted by the Three Stooges/Marx Brothers. To give you a hint: the above icon is an actual event and quote from the show.

One of their shticks every week is to have a brief interview with a guest actor/writer/singer where they plug their whatever and have to drive around the test track in a compact sedan.

Their guest this past week was Benedict Cumberbatch from Sherlock/Star Trek 2. It was an awesomely hilarious interview where Benedict revealed how the cliffhanger from the end of season 2 worked out! Ok, no, not really but his idea is hilarious. They even talked about fanfiction! Apparently he's read it...and inspired the host of the show to write BDSM Sherlock/Watson (no, not really...well just WATCH!).

It's on demand on comcast and some other places...if you just want to see the interview, it appears to be here:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg5J2NeGTNQ But I do recommend the show as a whole.

In other news, hi! I'm doing okay. Had two wisdom teeth pulled last week so have been low key and on some pretty wild meds. Heh. I've been lurking about! How are you?

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