an irony about spoilers...

May 26, 2013 20:54

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a BIG spoilerphobe on lots of things. A friend of mine spoiled me about Luke & Leia when Return of the Jedi came out and...yeah not good. So it's a hot button issue.

But this post is not about that...

This post is about
holdouttrout and I happened to be talking about the nature of spoilers. And kind of talking in general but about the Holmes stories in particular. As it happens, trout has not watched all of Season/Series two of "Sherlock". As it happened, I had not yet seen the last two episodes of Elementary (but I was watching one while we chatted). And I had grumped I thought I was spoilt on a plot twist for a character, which trout inadvertently confirmed...

And by happenstance, I spoiled her for a plot twist with Sherlock on a similar character...

Yeah. In the same conversation... In the same conversation that we were talking about SPOILERING PEOPLE.

*headdesk headdesk headdesk*

To try and counter this chat epidemic of footinmouth, I quickly changed the subject to favorite Stargate episodes (we both agreed on several). And when I asked her about favorite "Teal'c" episodes, her prompt response was...

"ALL of them."

And as she often is, trout was right.

Again, I am VERY VERY VERY sorry fishie! mea culpa

exercises in headdeskery, miscellaneous, episode reactions

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