cleothemuse and a few others have created a new Stargate Awards for SG-1. is also a whole fic/artwork archive site. And the nominations have ended. You MAY BE A NOMINEE AND NOT EVEN KNOW IT!
Here's the list of authors they haven't heard from yet. If you're on here, or if you know how to get in touch with some of these names, I think the mods would appreciate the help.
I was on the list myself! Wow! The announcement got routed to my spam folder and I never thought to check. I had only briefly noted they were starting up by cleo's posts on my flist, but was too rushed at the time to explore. It was today's post that got my attention.
I am very honored two of my stories have gotten nommed!
Haunted Ship and
Interference! Thanks to whoever nominated me. It really was a pleasant surprise that my stories were thought of enough by someone to include them in the list.
Congrats to all the nominees! I think voting is starting on the 12th for people who just want to check out everything there.
Also, about the latest LJ brou-ha-ha.
I'm not planning on leaving LJ, and I still use it as my main journal, not that you can tell by the cobwebs in my recent entries. I hate Facebook, so I never joined it in the first place. I *do* have a Dreamwidth account as my main story journal. If anyone wants a Dreamwidth code, I think I have some invites somewhere in my inbox. I know people on my flist have mixed feelings about DW. I like some of their features, like more icon room, more comment space and longer entry (my longer stories can fit in one post!) But like I said, I'm still around here.