Aug 02, 2011 21:53
It's hard for me to see people as inherently divine when I let them get too close to me, I guess. At least, when they've gotten close and still make me question my soul's safety. When it gets personal, there's too much debris in the way. Expectations are formed. The physical body becomes something to pay attention to.
What is an ideal friendship? Is there such a thing? Isn't friendship--even without the sexual undertones--just a forum for mutual selfishness set within acceptable boundaries, mutual obligation?
Friendship as it is commonly practiced does not seem divine to me. I think that perhaps ideally, 'friendship' does not exist. I feel like it should be simply a sharing of experience with someone, with no expectations and no obligations. Maybe a person has a similar wavelength as you, so you spend a bit more time with him or her just because of the comfort of similarity, but no leashes. Come and go.
I do not want to be personal. I do not picture the Buddha as having 'friends.' Not that he was a loner or superior, but that he saw everyone the same. Any companions he may have had were there because they wanted to be, and he did not discriminate.
I want to be free. I want to love everything as One.