Nov 13, 2004 23:10
The person I'm seeing is still grounded. I saw him for about 15 minutes last night. This is so cruel!
I went to part two of my acting workshop today and it was really good. I kind of skipped part one last weekend... but I was fine picking things up this week. The instructor gave me this really heavy dramatic monologue about a farm girl in the 1930s who's molested by a priest for 10 years. He convinces her mother that she's mentally challenged and should be "fixed". When she gets married she's devestated to find out she can't have kids because this man was a bastard and my monologue was her confronting him. Apparently in the play it's delivered just before she kills herself. The instructor really got me engaged in the character and got another lady in the class to pretend to be my mother (who okayed the removal of my character's uterus) and we improved some really emotional stuff off each other. We were both crying and totally into it. Then he told me to cut to the monologue and I was so into it. It was really quite amazing, I've never done anything that intense before.
Otherwise, it's things as usual. Did laundry last night. How exhilierating.