Things that conform...

Feb 11, 2008 13:59

Started UV mapping the building, but realised I had some nGon issues with it. So think, rather than try to patch it up, I'll start from scratch with it instead. That way I can get some of the detail I left out this time into it :)

Boots, pants, shirt and jacket are now conforming - but need a lot of work in the setup room - the joint parameters needs to be be looked through. Had some issues grouping the pants, but that should be solved now.

Staff has been scaled to Micahel as well, and it and the necklace have been converted into objs as well. Just need to turn them into smart props now.

So on my todo list for the outfit so far is:

Work through the joint parameters for the boots, pants, shirt and jacket.
Smart prop the staff and necklace
Add morphs to clothing and necklace
Texture it all

Note that I am purposefully leaving out the gloves. They're still giving me a hard time, so I might just leave them out this time. Haven't made up my mind yet.


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