Really? Someones gotta be effing with me.

Jul 15, 2010 22:44

It spreads, that "We're at that age, might as well couple up, get engaged, get married, be happy, have babies, be tired of sickenly happy. etc." I AM NOT A HAPPY CAMPER! Ok, well I should restate that. Im happy for them truely. Im f*cking frustrated as hell that my life is so stagnant! WTF!?

The count as of right this moment (that i can recall at least) 2 friends engaged, at least 2 friends married, only 1 preggo (cuz) but it seems like more. I mean, really?

OH OH OH! Btw. apparently i look like crap/death when i dont wear make-up (which is pretty consistantly) and thats the only reason one of my guys friends has so far declined making a move. Apparently to him, being make-up-less means I dont take time or care in my appearance. wtf?

Sorry Im ranting, but I got no where else to let this out.

All that and traffic tickets and court and dialysis, and no kidney and, etc and so on and evil womens clinic doctor appt. blah.

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