RealPersonSlash: The Real Fun Of Video Shoots- Zacky Vengeance/Synyster Gates [NC17]

Jul 03, 2006 15:24

Okay, not so much ficcage as it is pornage. And it's totally not the fandom of anyone here but, you know, it's sexual things by me about them in the icon so it can't be all bad.

Title: The Real Fun of Video Shoots
Pairing: Zacky/Brian (aka, Synyster Gates)
Rating: hard R/NC17
Word Count: 755
Summary: Zacky and Brian find their own enjoyment during the filming of the ‘Bat Country’ video.
Author's note: So the video comes on the television and suddenly I’m actually inspired to write for the first time in forever.
Disclaimer: Like everyone else says “If I owned them, do you think I’d be writing this nonsense?”

( Go on... you know you want to... )
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