Рас-стояние:вёрсты,дали…Нас расклеили,распаяли, В две руки развели,распяв, И не знали,что это-сплав

May 28, 2020 13:45

Metropoli - Marco Citi
Urinals are pictured with some blocked off in order for people to distance themselves at motorway services on the M20, near Maidstone in Kent (England) - Reuters
Highway 61 - Marshall Ramsey
Distancia Social - Eneko
Where’s Waldo (Social Distancing Edition) - Bennett
Covid-19 Testing Style - Marshall Ramsey
Social Distancing Tool
The manicure continues as usual in Amsterdam
Social Distancing Kiss - from The Kiss

Города и годы, *И хладно руку жмёт чуме*

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