Title: His Way
Rating: G
Pairings: none
Word Count: 221
Summary: 221B format: 221 words last one beginning with the letter "b". John recovers a memory stick stolen by Irene Adler.
Written in honor of Martin Freeman's birthday.
His Way
"Just grab it, John!" Sherlock yelled above the din of the helicopter.
Irene, dressed in a low-cut cashmere sweater and short min-skirt, was standing by the open window, waiting to make her escape.
"I can't, Sherlock. You saw where she put it."
Irene had handcuffed Sherlock to the radiator before stuffing the memory stick far down her cleavage.
"Then twist her arm and make her give it to you," Sherlock demanded.
"I can't! She's a woman," John explained apologetically.
"Well, for god's sake, do something. The helicopter's almost here. We'll never get another chance to recover that document." Sherlock vibrated with frustration.
John looked about helplessly for inspiration while Irene smiled in triumph.
Then, struck by an idea, John advanced.
"Stay back!" Irene warned.
John kept coming until they were separated by inches.
"You wouldn't dare," she taunted.
John smiled knowingly.
With one smooth move, he pulled the villainess into a tight embrace. She didn't struggle but glared in defiance. He returned the stare, and Irene's face softened as she watched his large blue eyes wander to her mouth. Their kiss was smoldering, but Irene still managed to leap into her awaiting ride.
"The memory stick?" yelled Sherlock. John opened his hand to show the spoils.
"Three continents of experience."
Out the window they could hear her fury.
"Oy! Where's my bra?"