yay, am drawing again! it's been a while...
so. i couldn't resist my shiny!new!fandom. XDD am taking a little break from tenipuri to play w/ ze death note boys. this was almost, almost derailed by the slew of evilly distracting tezuryo fics last week, lol. will not dabble in tezuryo, will not dabble in tezuryo...*glances at sketchbook* whoops, too late :P luckily the dn muses were able to drag me back to my senses so at least something got finished. ^^
this marks a couple of firsts. first pic of 2006. first death note pic. and first pic with lineart done in pshop (b/c usually i'm lazy and i just use the scan itself, heh). /end useless babble. now onto raito and cherry blossoms...
'sakura' by s.ly | raito | g
death note belongs to Ohba-sensei/Obata-sensei
dated 2006.01.23 | photoshop
oh wow, i am soo~ out of practice. o_O should've spent more time tweaking his arm. and as always, i cannot draw clothes. bah. ;P
debated for a bit on whether or not to use a photo for the background since it was getting a little busy. but in the end, i ran out of steam to do a background from scratch so many manips later, the photo stayed. what? me, lazy? whatever do you mean? XDD
comments welcomed! :D
hee! all those photos from last year's sakura matsuri finally came in handy!
now if only L would cooperate with me. *waves cake in front of L!muse* ^_~
death note artbook isbn - me wants. *_*