(no subject)

Jun 24, 2007 16:16

Thats the sort of bike I'm going to get, one day soon hopefully. Its not the red though, its a dark green/blue colour, and its pretty.
Had a real problem though, it finally got the brakes and the rest of the things I talked about before sorted, but it failed its MOT.
It has a problem with the front suspension, and it can't be fixed, so the guys are ordering a new one, and have to replace that, retake the MOT (I think) and clean it up for me. Great...
Like I said- hopefully it won't be too long before I do get it, I've been told maybe monday, but I've been let down three times this week with it so I'm not holding my hopes up this time.
Oh god, the uber olds are here for ten days. I might kill myself if I have to see them everyday! Its not that I don't love them, they are fantastic, but we don't DO anything!! So we sit there, talking about a load of crap no one gives a toss about for hours, and eating, and doing nothing. Fun, no?! *Rolls eyes*
But me and a couple of friends are having an indoor picnic tomorrow!! That'll be hilarious. We're only doing it indoors because its miserable weather outside, and because one of my friends (whose house we are having it at) its getting her phone delivered or something. But like I said, that'll be good fun.
I really hurt my foot the other day! (Friday, to be precise) I've got a horrible cut on one of my toes, stopping me from wearing any shoes at all.
Which sucks, because if its not healed by friday the thirteenth of July, I'll be screwed. I brought some gorgeous shoes to go with my dress for my prom, and its pretty lucky I tried them on before I hurt my foot because I can't do that now!! But they are lovely.

Thats them.
I'm sure you don't give a damn, but hey. My LJ. My world.
I'm staying with my sister on friday, for the weekend, coming back sunday. It'll be great fun, I'm sure. My dads staying with her too, so thats a even better thing. Not quite sure what we'll be doing just yet though, but I'm sure it will still be good.
Did I mention before that I finished my exams? Hmm... *can't remember* if I didn't- I have, and if I did- ah well.
I think they all went pretty well. Its wierd how I was more nervous for the mocks than I was for the actual ones!!
I was thinking this last night, but I'm wondering, is it selfish and shallow and all the rest of it, to be totally confused about how you look, and your style etc?
Because I am, and when I look at my friends, they all seem so self assured, and confidant and sure of how they want to look and act and all that sort of thing. I don't know how they do it. I mean, I'm constantly trying to decide what I like, whether my folks will like it, and whether my friends will agree, and also to keep out of all of those groupds and things. I'm an individual, not a clone. So I don't know. Like I said- I may be really shallow and all the rest, but its bloody annoying! I don't know what to do, like ever.
Heh... *rubs back of neck awkwardly*
What else is going on? OH YES!!
Going to London in august, to see either Wicked or Avenue Q!!! THAT'LL BE BLOODY AMAZING!!
Its for my sisters twentieth (god she's getting old.) birthday, and its me, her (obviously) her boyfriend- or should I call him her 'partener' now? I mean, they are both adults and everything... hmmm, anyway, as I was saying, its going to be us three, and a couple of her Uni friends, who are all really nice.
Getting my exam results on the 23rd of August too, so that will be a terrifying day for all year elevens across the country.
Can't think of anything else at the moment, I'll update soon, I'm sure.
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