So I started watching Ugly Betty this weekend and I LOVE, I caught up on all the episodes while taking breaks from studying for my finals. Other highlights; I forgot to record Studio 60 last night but that's OK because I can watch it online, someone somehow stole all my stuff from my locker without breaking the lock, I finished my magazine article for Journalism, and a bunch of other stuff. I also in a very Tonks moment ran into a light poll last Tuesday, might be a fan fiction worthy moment actually, like the incident with my brother and the dishes. Speaking of Tonks and fan fiction I think I have officially failed at my new years resolution of doing all the prompts for R_T Challenge as I have only done one. And both my head and hand hurt from my english final. OH and I'm got into independent study so next week I will only be taking three regular classes: ZooBot, Photo, and Concert Band. I'm going to be in band again! Yeah! I can't wait. Yeah I think that's all, wait except I can't watch Rapture until Friday : ( but on the bright side I will be at a place with cable on Sunday and therefor can watch "Taking a Break from all Your Worries" live! That will be the first time I have been able to watch an episode of Galactica live ever! TTFN!
What do the Harry Potter adults think of you?
Result #2
Albus Dumbledore is glad you are an Order member but thinks youre too anxious.
Lord Voldemort sees you as a major threat and wants to have you killed as soon as possible.
Minerva McGonagall thinks you misbehave way too much.
Severus Snape hates you.
Rubeus Hagrid thinks youre a good person.
Horace Slughorn thinks you were a brilliant student with great potential.
Sirius Black loves you with all his heart and would kill for you.
Remus Lupin thinks youre a great friend.
Bill Weasley is secretly madly in love with you.
Lucius Malfoy acts like he hates you but actually has sick fantasies about you.
Bellatrix Lestrange wants to personally torture and then kill you.
Peter Pettigrew thinks youre scary.
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Grab Code Anybody else think that sounds a bit like a strange fan fic version of Tonks?