I think by now you know the drill (well, most of you). Comment to this entry and I will interview you (five questions). Let me know if you want me to interview you as a mun of your pups or if you want it to be an ic interview. Thanks. Good time to do this again, I think, since Tonks' flist has grown so much lately! :D Everyone should participate!
I shall keep this post edited with my answers to the questions of others!
1. Mun: What's your favorite part of writing Tonks?
Just one? LOL. Okay, well the first big "yay!" thing that comes to mind is... her optimism. She is definitely a glass-half-full person, and it's a nice change from most/all of my other muses, who tend to have a much more dim view of life and humanity than Tonks. Getting into Tonks' headspace puts me in a better mood, just because she can always find something to smile about.
2. Mun: Is there a particular trait of Tonks that you identify with?
Honestly? Her clumsiness. I'm always running into doorjambs or stubbing my toes on things just as I move around my familiar home environment. As a kid, I was always falling and scraping my knees, just in the process of walking to/from school and such. Like Tonks, I've had to kind of develop a) a sense of humor about it and b) a thick skin (no pun intended), to avoid constant embarrassment.
3. What is your patronus memory?
It used to be the day I found out I had been accepted into Auror training. Knowing I was going to be an Auror was the best moment of my life. Well, until you came along, Remus. Of course, when my patronus changed it was because the memory that creates it changed, too. It's you. Knowing I was in love with you.
4. Is there a particular event in your childhood that you think affected how you are as an adult?
The simple answer: the war. You can't grow up during a war and not have it affect your whole outlook on life. It's the reason I became an Auror. It's the reason I'm fighting in this war, knowing about the last one, having witnessed what it did to good people.
5. What is your boggart?
It's difficult to explain my boggart, actually. It usually manifests itself as just... blackness. A void. What it is, though, is... alone-ness, I guess. Being completely alone, having lost all the people I care about. That's my biggest fear.
1. What color hasn't your hair been?
Hmm. That's a really difficult question! I suppose... it's never been the colour of vomit! ...ew.
2. Any idea why your parents named you Nymphadora?
Yes. My mum is from a very old, very stuck-up family. She has... a fair amount of that in her blood, I think, but she's rebellious, too. So she gave me what sounds like a really pompous, fancy name, but it actually means nothing. It's completely silly. It's not a family name. That's the whole point.
3. Is the weather really that bad in England?
Depends where you're at. Some places it's lovely. London is pretty dreary most of the time. Farther south, though, it's nice. Brighton is good in the summer.
4. What makes you a wizard?
Not sure what you mean by this... I'll give it a shot, though! A wizard is born. I think it has to do with what Muggles call "genetics". If your parents are wizards, you'll probably be one, too. Of course, some people who are wizards don't have any family members who are. And every once in a while, an all-wizarding family produces a child who isn't a wizard. It's pretty weird, and can't really be predicted. My mum is from an old wizarding family, my dad, not so much. He was a wizard, but no one else in his family was.
5. Where's the best place to get a drink in England?
The Leaky Cauldron, of course! But you couldn't get in there. If you came to London I'd show you all the best Muggle pubs. *grin*
1. Mun: Favourite muse of yours? Why?
... that's like asking a parent which is their favorite child. haha. I love all my muses to death. They can also all be really annoying when they want to be. But in different ways, for different reasons. Sorry, I really can't just pick one out of the bunch. haha.
2. Mun: What do you think is your biggest strength as a writer/rp-er? Are they different, and how?
I think my biggest strength in both is my ability to get into a character's headspace, even a character I may not have a lot in common with, or a character I wouldn't even really like that much. (Like, hm, House? XD) What I suck at, both in RP and fic-writng situations, is plot. I'm no novelist, and never will be. I just like writing little things about characters.
3. Tonks: (because I must?) Would you have? Prevented Fenrir getting to Remus, I mean? And why? (and did what I wrote change your attitude towards that?)
First off, what you wrote didn't change my attitude, because I wasn't sure of my answer to begin with. I'm still not sure, to be honest. What happened to him is a big part of who he is now, both things that involve me and things that have nothing to do with me. If I could end all the pain and hardship in his life, I would, in an instant, but it's also a lot more complicated than that. I think Remus would agree.
4. Tonks: Your personal hero?
I say this a lot, but it's my mum. She is one of the bravest people I know, and I hope I have even half the heart and soul she has.
5. Mun and/or Tonks: Three literary characters that you hate?
Tonks: Iago. You ever read Othello? He's such an arse. He can't deal with the fact that Othello is just a better person than him, so instead of trying to strive for Othello's greatness he does everything he can to screw up Othello's life.
On that note, a lot of Shakespeare's villains are pretty stupid. There's Macbeth, who kills a king just because some old hag says he should. Also, Don John, in Much Ado About Nothing? He's just nasty and mean. For no reason at all!
Mun: I don't really *hate* characters, per se. There are characters that... I love to hate, if you get my meaning. Like Umbridge. Heheh. But there aren't really any literary characters I despise.
...On the other hand, Shakespeare's villains do tend to be particularly hateful. Hehe.
1. Why purple hair?
Because it's different. It stands out, and attracts attention. It fits my personality.
2. Do you really do magic? Like..real true magic?
Yes. With a wand, even. And funny words.
3. What's your favorite memory of your son?
Just one? *laugh* Probably the first time he made his hair turquoise. His daddy's looks, mum's "special" abilities. I was tickled pink. Literally!
4. Where's the perfect place to go in London that's outside?
Oh, tough question! Hyde Park is quite nice in the summer. When it's not raining!
5. If you could make one thing about your future absolutely happen, what would it be?
Just... growing old with Remus and watching Teddy grow up. I don't care too much about any of the other stuff. That's the big thing.