profile meme

Jun 15, 2030 01:13

[Character Name] Celty Sturluson
[Canon] Durarara!!
[Point Taken from Canon] Post anime.

[Age] Old.
[Gender] Female.
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero

[Eye Color] Light Blue
[Hair Color] Red.
[Height] 5'7 with helmet.
[Other] She has no head. But she always has her helmet on, so if someone asks what lays beneath then it won't come off unless she is at home.
[Clothing] Here



From first glance, Celty is quite the mysterious character. Dressed in black and always riding down the road of Ikebukuro, she has been called an 'urban legend'. The Black Rider. It wouldn't be odd for people to fear her; she never speaks and when she's out it's always on some type of business. The only source of communication she has is the PDA she carries within her sleeve. When questioned, she will either respond with a helmet nod or a quick type up on her useful device. This person is odd, right? She must be dangerous! You better stay away from them. But that would be a completely wrong definition of the Dullahan that resides within Ikebukuro.

As a matter of fact, Celty is just like any other person-- in a way, at least. She has her fears, her worries, her strengths, and definitely her weaknesses. But the Dullahan is always misunderstood. Even if she remains quiet and mysterious while in the presence of strangers, that can all be explained with one simple detail. She has no head. If someone were to take her helmet right off, they would just view a neck with black smoke coming from the top. She is used to people being scared of her, but she would prefer to be accepted for what she is. She isn't a monster at all. So while she's forever the 'silent-type', she can show a side of herself that is quite the opposite. She can get exceedingly excited about topics (like how she was in awe of Shizuo while fighting the Saika members) and also develop a type of friendliness with someone. Sometimes when a situation becomes too intense, like when Shizuo begins to loose his temper at the drop of a hat, Celty would do her best to intervene and stop the man while showing a slight state of panic. Another few situations that would cause Celty to have a freak out would be the topic of aliens, being dissected by Shinra's father, or when someone corners her with the intent to capture her. Just like the police had when they cornered her with almost no chance of getting away.

Even though Celty has shown these sides, that means nothing when she shows her determination. You see, Celty had lost her head quite a long time ago and with it, it had taken her memories of the past. The only thing she knew was that her name is Celty Sturluson and the fact she is in fact a Dullahan. The search for her head had brought her all the way to Ikebukuro, and not a day would pass that she would miss what truly belonged to hers. When someone would bring up the topic of her head, or anything relating to the matter, Celty would become frustrated. You can't really blame the woman. She would even chase down anyone would might have information or anything that was related to her head (like she had done when she had believed Harima Mika had her head on her body). But even if the urge to chase after her head every night had died, that does not brush off the fact she was still in search for it. She had come to terms of just wanting to know where it was located. She wanted to have it with her because she had the fear that something might end up happening to it and from there, had no control. It belonged to her, after all. Even if it never rested upon her shoulders.

And then we come to the topic of Kishitani Shinra. From people who look in on their relationship from the outside, one might call Celty abusive. But her true feelings lie beneath; she truly cares for this man. They've been together for a good majority of Shinra's life. He shows to have quite the fascination for her and a result of him spouting his words of love for the woman, she would go as far as physical abuse to keep him quiet. She would get flustered and embarrassed, of course. But as time had passed, Celty came to become perfectly content with the words he shared. She also became very protective over Shinra, even if he was a bit odd. The Dullahan would go as far as threatening someone's life to keep him safe (like she had done with Izaya when he badmouthed him within her presence).

In the end, Celty isn't the mysterious person people see on the outside. She's just someone who had lost something very precious to her and would do anything to get it back. She is also quite protective of those around her and would even go to stop them from doing something they might even regret. She isn't anything different from another man or woman apart from her ablilities and the fact she's what they would call a 'fairy'. A Dullahan. But a book should never be judged by it's cover.


She has quite a lot of physical strength, but not like Shizuo's. She can also create things from the black smoke she emits from a simple knife to an enormous scythe she has been seen quite a few times with. Along with items of clothings. Almost anything can be made from this black smoke.

[Affection] If someone were to show affection to Celty, she wouldn't make anything of it. Unless it was Shinra; someone else would be quite out of luck.

[Fighting] Being who she is, Celty can take a lot of damage. As a matter of fact, even a cut or something along the lines of that (or worse) wouldn't bring her any harm. But if someone starts a fight, then she would of course be involved.

[Other Permissions] No head = no mind? I'm unsure how that would work, but if something needs to happen, then we can talk about it!

[Other Facts] She isn't human, of course. She's a Dullahan which is a 'fairy' from Ireland. More information will go here when I get to it aaahhh

!: profile meme

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