This is a Final Fantasy blog. But it's also a fandom blog. So, here's something that's been distracting me, in a good way, for the past several months. The entire rough draft is finished (around 30K words), but later parts need more spit and polish before posting.
Doctor Who (Big Finish) Fanfiction, Team Five
Read it on AO3 Title: “Master’s Thesis” (
Chapter 1 of Fiveish)
Characters: Fifth Doctor, older!Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Lasarti, and *cough* Matt Herse
Word Count: 2600
Summary: When Nyssa all but hijacks the TARDIS to return home, she discovers an old enemy taking a sinister interest in her family. Tiptoeing around temporal paradoxes means she can’t let the Doctor find out. It’s a good thing she has a friend like Tegan to rely on.
Continuity: Between Heroes of Sontar and Kiss of Death, but you don’t have to have listened to any Big Finish audio episodes to follow what’s going on here.
(photomanip mimicking the CD cover art used for Doctor Who audio episodes)
This was one of my favorite TARDIS teams back in 1980, except that the writers back then were clueless about how to write stubborn and/or smart women. Poor scriptwriting and sexism are usually NOT a problem in Big Finish studio's Doctor Who radio plays of the past several years, reuniting classic Who actors and giving their characters more development and respect than the TV series did.
This entry was originally posted at, where it has