So I was pawing through more of
leyna 's fantastic fanart thanks to the new
LJ --> DW refugee friending meme.
I'm sure that I've recced her wonderful
Lulu portrait in the past. (large image warning. Bonus: Fran portrait!)
It's worth digging through her whole journal. For Final Fantasy fans, I want to recommend a couple of Fang paintings, one with Vanille and one sparring practice scene with Lightning in which, so help me, Fang is tickling that exposed bit of tummy on Ms. Supersoldier's uniform. My interpretation is that Fang is attempting to seduce or simply pester, while Lightning doesn't know whether to break character and squirm or just chop off the offending foot.
However, it's the Vanille/Fang "You Are My Only Home" painting that I especially wish to rec. Break out the
angst piano, folks; it's the Last Lesbians in the World.
>> Both Fang paintings
ETA: I just looked at the Fang/Vanille again, and you should go. Look at it now. Even if you don't bally know the characters. The colors are gorgeous.
In other news, I have a happy dilemma: do I post all 4800 5100 words of Chapter 49 or break it into two installments? I may go with the two-installments thing for mugs and because that way I can keep working on the next chapter with more lead time. On the other hand, it really doesn't have a comfortable breakpoint.
2218 / 50000 words. 4% done!
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