These were posted for various comms and challenges semi-recently, and I didn't get around to X-posting 'em here.
1. "
Just Friends" -- FFXII, Balthier/Fran (sorta), T, double drabble on
ff_fortnightly . Prompt: "Friendship"
2. "
Futility" - FFX, Auron/Lulu, PG, 100-word drabble on
pyre_flies . Prompt: "Anything/Nothing"
3. "
Under Her Wing" -- FFX, Lulu/Rikku (kinda), PG, 400-word flashfic on
ff_yuri_drabble . Prompt: "Precious"
4. Full headers since the
OP doesn't have 'em:
Title: "
Never Do This"
Fandom: FFX
Characters: Lulu, Ginnem, Shiva
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1250
Prompt: "Lulu/Shiva: Inferno" from
muggy_mountain on
ff_kissbattle .