I am angry at LJ as I've never been before. In the past, the servers were unstable and slow and so on, but they were working towards an ideal. Now the ideal is lost and I can see that whoever is in charge (at LJ Inc or SUP or whatever the hell they call themselves now) obviously doesn't understand the meaning of "community".
I'm thinking of cancelling my paid LJ account and moving into my own Wordpress blog on my site. After all, I hardly blog here anymore.
I know, I've said before that I won't leave LJ, but I never counted on LJ being so shitty so soon. So I think very soon I'll cancel my paid account here. If it reverts to a free account with no ads I might continue posting random rubbish here. If not then that's it. I haven't been posting much in here lately anyway.
So - we'll see.