Characters/Pairing: Mohinder and Adam; Mylar in a really weird way
Rating: PG-13
Words: 3419
Spoilers: Season 2
Summary: Unexpected alliances are formed. As usual, Mohinder is an evil magnet with bad instincts about people.
A/N: Please don't fear that the stuff that happens at the very end is moving towards any kind of sappy fluff. I don't intend
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I like the way you've written Adam. I'd seen so many spoilers on his storyline that I didn't really care about him until the final episode of the season, but you've shown him the way I've come to think about him. His power is passive - it's his decades and decades of experience in manipulating people that make him so dangerous. (I also liked the implication that he and Victoria were attending Papa and Mama Nakamura's wedding.)
Two other random thoughts: Mohinder has his passport...but presumably that's going to have 21st-century travel dates stamped in it, isn't it? Also, I really liked getting to the end of the second section and sensing that I hadn't been looking through a Company agent's eyes as he spied on Molly, I'd been looking through Sylar's eyes as he spied on a Company agent spying on Molly. (Or maybe I'm complicating it too much...but I liked the thought!)
This section was more than worth the wait!
Man, your musings about the Sylar stuff are spot on. I'm really really thrilled that you picked up on everything I was trying. That yes! it was Sylar listening to both parts of the telephone conversation. And also, Sylar's original plan was to deal with his own business, but of course he's going to be interested in Mohinder's mysterious disappearance. And yes, Kaito's wedding, and yes that the point of Adam's character is to be a subtle manipulator. Woo! A home run.
I don't know where you're headed with this
A lot of places all at once (which is possible, you know, with multiple timelines). It's kind of wonky. Hopefully it won't end up being too much. Thanks for the great comment!
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