1. Post on your journal with a list of five acts (kinks, tropes, themes) you really love, and a list of the fandoms/pairings you like. Leave a comment at the
sign-up post with a link to your list.
2. Browse the
Master List to see others' acts. Write something and post it in a comment on their journal.
3. Profit.
Five Acts
**Whether or not people have sex is completely immaterial to me. Gen is also great if you don't feel the ships.
1. Bed themes: forced to share a bed (because it’s the last room in the inn, or someone’s been sexiled, or unexpected sleepover, etc.), roommates, camping, falling asleep on someone’s shoulder, dreams, waking up
2. Alcohol: in vino veritas, drunken hook-ups with strangers, drunken hook-ups with friends, hung-over and confused morning afters, meeting in a bar, stumbling all over one another, sober character A taking care of drunk character B
3. Journeys: traveling together, on vacation, hotels, airplanes/airports/trains/ships, time travel, hotels, stranded together
4.UST/Unrequited Love: pining, oblivious love interest/friend, partners, hopeless crushes, flirting/banter, overcompensating hostility
5. Pretending to be together: for whatever reason, even if it’s just one-sided, and in any interpretation
Fandoms & Pairings
**Crossover pairings between any of these characters would make my life!
Skyfall: Eve/Q, Eve&Q&Bond as platonic besties (no Q/Bond, please)
Once Upon a Time: Snow/Whale, Jefferson/Whale (either Storybrooke or fairytale identities for all; no focus on 'poor' Regina, please)
Avengers: Steve/Bucky, flirty-but-innocent Pepper&Bucky, Jane/Bucky, (please don't break up Tony/Pepper)
Lost: Sayid/Shannon, Sayid/Kate, Jacob/Richard, Richard/Miles, Miles/Sawyer, Miles/Juliet, Juliet/Sayid, Frank/Sun, Juliet/Richard, Miles/Shannon, Frank/awesomeness, Hurley&Sayid, Sayid&Desmond
The Magicians: Eliot/Quentin, Eliot/Janet (friendship or having sex because they’re bored), Quentin/Eliot/Janet
Misfits: Alisha/Simon, any friendship between the original 5 kids (I've only seen through season 2)
Alias: Sark/Sydney
Dawson's Creek: Pacey/Jen
Sleepy Hollow: Abbie/Ichabod
-Seriously, any character listed above/any character listed above (friendship, romance, whatever!)
-While I don’t have any Harry Potter or Doctor Who interests listed, I love the above fandoms crossed with HP or DW (9 or 10 era).
-I also love Pacey from Dawson's Creek with anyone ever, Nolan from Revenge and Schmidt from New Girl.